
Monday, December 9, 2013


cozy times indoors is what these weeks seem to be all about. Sinterklaas has left The Netherlands and is now on his way to Spain again, until next year. 
this means our little country can now be Christmas-fied in all it's glory.

we got two little trees instead of one large one this year. they are in our living room now, not pictured, and waiting patiently for their lights. I am still working on the diamond and bird garland, that will hopefully be finished and go up this week.

on the shop front, I have shipped cards and Santa dolls, and the give away on Instagram shipped to Sanne, she choose a lovely set of the wrist warmers. the 30% OFF on handmade items is still on, so you might want to hop over to the shop.

this week I will post the pattern for the potholders I have been working on. I am also working on a new baby blanket pattern, but I won't make any promises on when it will be up. just to be safe. may be this week, may be next…

how is Christmas coming along in your home? any exciting gift projects in the making?



  1. I just read your last few posts, and enjoyed them, and your photos immensely. Your village looks lovely, especially at night with the lights. I like the pot holders. I made a few as gifts, as well as cowls, garlands, a couple of blankets, and am still trying to finish a couple of pillows and three hats, and a crocheted purse, with snowflakes on it for embellishment. A lot of work, but so much fun. Have fun yourself, and enjoy these days leading up to Christmas. xxoo. JO

  2. Everything is looking lovely, but that rose at the very top is just stunning! xx

  3. Everything looks so nice! I have been enjoying making things in a leisurely way this year - no more staying up late Christmas Eve hunched over my crochet hook or sewing machine!
    Have a wonderful holiday season!


  4. Lovely post, just like all your work and photos...thanks...


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~