
Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday Morning

Monday morning. this week a rather light one, luckily. yesterday I gave our coffee table a fresh coat of  grey paint, so therefore I'm using my tiny chair instead. a tea table for that matter.

some views from last week, including some inspirational meetings with old and new friends, out of town. a change of scene is always good for inspiration I find.

talking about inspiration, how is that doily dust-print bottom-right? it's from the giant doily in this post. we had some construction guys in our conservatory last week, drilling into concrete. I totally forgot to take the doily away and look. after the dust had set, it left this amazing print. it took us forever to get rid of all the dust but that's a different story I won't bother you with. it's done, let's leave it there.

indeed, I am still working on the ends of my scarf, and trying to find out how to crochet heart silhouettes in a simple but effective way. it's a funny puzzle, more about that on Wednesday.

enjoy your new week!



  1. Lovely Monday morrning meander. Thank you so much x

  2. Hello,
    Such lovely pictures and I love the little dust doily - no need to polish now !
    How lovely to have painted your table grey, I am having a serious grey phase at the moment that I have just this minute posted about !
    Have a good week,

  3. The dust doily is amazing! Shame that you can't leave it in a way. I hope that the building works are finished very soon. I can remember where I am afraid, but I saw something about crocheting round wire and then bending the wire into shapes. I wonder if that would work for your heart shapes - or using a knitting dolly and doing the knitting round a piece of wire, that would have the same effect. I hope that you figure it out one way of another!! xx

  4. Beautiful photos, I can't believe the dust doily design! Amazing! The yarns are so pretty - and I find that chocolate bar inspiring, the choc looks delicious and the wrapper is worthy of its own fabric range! Chrissie x

  5. I love the dust doily - what creative workmen? Did they charge you extra?
    Your blog is so lovely and the photography quite something.
    Good luck with the hearts and that very cute scarf.

  6. Such lovely colours - even the dust is coordinating!
    You had offered to help translate some Dutch crochet patterns for me before Christmas; I just wanted to say thanks again. I did find a Dutch site that has their patterns in Dutch and English, so I think I can cobble things together. Plus my Dutch friend (who loaned me the book in the first place) re-learned to crochet so now she can help me out too.
    Love your site! Too bad I didn't find you until you moved back to The Netherlands - I live just north of Toronto:)

    Jenn @JennsCraftyWorld


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~