
Monday, February 17, 2014

Last Week

last week was the week of my birthday. we celebrated over the weekend with family, very nice to be able to do that again after 2 years in Canada. we served homemade soups, different cakes and pies and other treats. the weather was great, which resulted in Floyd being walked a lot, Spring is definitely in the air. a little early, but we enjoy it nonetheless. I blocked a doily I made months ago, later this week I'll show it to you in more detail. I started a new flower cushion project with my birthday yarn, and accidentally came up with a cute little pincushion for the heart pins. probably a pattern will follow later. 

and, this is the first time I am proudly showing you the new creJJtion logo. slowly but surely you'll see this logo appear on Instagram, here on the blog and in my pictures. for me it marks the beginning of a new phase for creJJtion. moving forward this year you'll see more changes and exciting happenings but I'll try to introduce them to you slowly, one at a time. 

have you had a good week of Valentine? celebrated with your love(s)? working on fun crochet projects? I'd love to read all about them.

have a lovely new week 


  1. Dear Maaike,
    first of all happy birthday! The small pincusion is so cute!
    xxx, Karin

  2. Happy birthday lovely lady and I love the new logo! Looking forward to seeing the changes to come!

    S x

  3. geluk met jou verjaardag! Nuwe logo lyk mooi...maar ek lief jou sker die meeste :-)

  4. Van harte gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag!!!!! Je logo is mooi, ben benieuwd naar alle nieuwe veranderingen dan.... Die appeltaart! Leuk gedaan met de foto (en lekker ook!) En wat mij betreft ook hoor, laat de lente maar komen!!

    Groetjes van Ellebel

  5. I hope that all of your changes go well for you. Love your little pincushion, that is just too cute!! xx

  6. Happy (belated) birthday! The pincushion looks absolutely darling, if there's a pattern made, I think I may make one for my grandmother. For some reason, the picture of the pies is cute, too. -Autumn

  7. With all my heart, i wish to bring you good luck in your new lovely logo...


  8. Vind het logo echt bij jou passen. Mooi!!! En nu op naar de toekomst..... knufzz....peebee

  9. Looks like a lovely week, glad you got to celebrate with your family after being away for so long
    I like the joined heart garland

  10. Congrats on the logo! Your pincushion is adorable <3 What flavor of pie is that you made? I'm curious because I love to bake :-)

  11. You have such beautiful work!! I really enjoy looking at your sweet pictures!! And that pincushion is just adorable!! :) Happy new week! xo Holly

  12. Love the sweet little pin cushion!

  13. Wauw wat ziet het er allemaal mooi uit! Gefeliciteerd!

  14. Happy birthday! So nice to be reunited with your loved ones, glad you had fun. Such pretty makes, lovely photos of your week...and the logo looks wonderful! I'll be interested to learn more...and I'm very keen to try to make a doily, I have all the threads and hooks, now I need to sit down and get to it! Chrissie x


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~