
Friday, October 8, 2010


And yet another colour explosion: I bought this tin pencil box and did not like the print on top. So I took my acrylic paint and brushes and made myself a pencil box that matches the gorgeous Vera Bradley hope garden- folio I bought last year in the USA. No copy, just matching. What do you think?
Oh and by the way: those pretty little crochet flowers I got from my mom, she made them herself!


  1. This pencil box looks gorgeous! So colourful... Beautiful!
    Thanks for following my blog as well. =)
    Have a great weekend!

  2. That is so amazing! You are skilled!

  3. Beautiful matching Maikke. YOu are really good at folkart, and I just happen to love everything about folkart. Great idea!


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~