
Friday, December 10, 2010


recently I was among the give-away winners at Ingthings
which was of course absolutely great
this week I won another give away at MadebySan
a wooden self-made Christmas tree for various decorations

~ this must be my lucky season ~

San is very good at crochet and sewing and she has a lovely niece, Zoe
her blog is really worth a visit

today this huge package arrived, whohoo!
I was all excited to receive this beautiful thing

it was supposed to contain a wooden Christmas tree and a sheet of applique paper
but look what great items Made by San came out extra!
three crochet flowers on clothes pins and a beautiful heart with a great smell

after amazing myself about this generosity
it was time so set up the do-it-yourself-tree
which is even larger than I imagined
and decorate it a little to begin with

my dear San
this is not just a give-away
but a true holiday-Christmas-package!

thank you so much for sending me this
and of course I wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year too

~ love ~


  1. How fantastic! It all looks so beautiful x

  2. Wat lief van San en wat ziet het boompje er leuk uit!

  3. Congrats-must be great to have received this lovely Christmas decoration:) Happy weekend!

  4. Darling Maaike what nice things, and cute idea for these clothes pins!
    Thank you for become my follower!!
    In the next days I'll do my first giveaway and you HAVE to partecipate (you're so lucky!...). Take a look!!!
    Have a good WE

  5. Wat ben jij een mazzelkont zeg dat je zulke mooie dingen "wint". Veel plezier met dat leuke boompje en fijn weekend, X Siel

  6. Hey!
    Wat heb je een lief berichtje gemaakt zeg! Ik bloos helemaal! Ik ben zo blij dat je het boompje leuk vind. En ik zie al dat je er leuke dingen in hebt hangen.
    Het boompje is goed terecht gekomen!

    Dikke kus!


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~