
Friday, January 7, 2011


~ warning: this is a long post with a lot of text ~

well well, 2011 just started and creJJtion received it's very first Award!
the Stylish Blogger Award, from Lovestitch

I am very honoured
Thank You Lovestitch
~ smile ~

and after receiving it
I have work to do:
first, tell seven things about myself and second, nominate fifteen others

~  first ~
since I tend to blog about my creJJtions instead of my personal life, I guess there is a lot to tell...
let's try something
I am twenty eight years old, turning twenty nine next month
born and raised in the Netherlands
love to travel
have a masters degree in psychology
am happily together with the boyfriend for almost twelve years now
would love to have a dog
have a second home in Sweden, not too far away from my brothers' place

~ second ~
now I have to be honest
nominating fifteen others is not my style
don't get me wrong. I am very flattered with the award, but just don't like the concept
so let me tell you the following story

since I started blogging four months ago
I am everyday more surprised about the comfort, love and inspiration I am receiving from you all
and mostly finding on your beautiful blogs
even though we are actually just virtual friends
this is very special and new to me and so far I cannot get enough of it

therefore I decided to use the award to feature three other blogs
of three ladies who, in their own special way
inspire me ~ make me smile ~ make me stand still for a moment ~ make me jealous at their creations
and I will tell you why

1. Maureen from Daydream Living

Maureen and I share the same hometown, Amsterdam, although she lives in Switzerland now.
I love here writing. She is absolutely great with text. Her words on her blog make me think.
Think again. And look at life from a more light angle. Or at sleep here.
Maureen does do beautiful picturework, also very light and warm, but I would definately recommend you to visit Daydream Living and Read.
Read again and Read more. Don't forget to click the label Home.
You will love it.

2. Kirsty from you had me at bonjour

Kirsty is from Australia and lives in France. I love the way she is honest about what is going on in her life. And about awards by the way, haha. But I think we match on that part. Where I hope we will match in the future is on quilting skills. In my opinion she is great at matching colours and fabrics in a semi-traditional way. I adore the patterns, the blue-green-white one for example. The way she picks designs and discusses her options with us bloggers is wonderful to me.
Go check out you had me at bonjour and enjoy the very first thing there: the name. You had me at bonjour.
Doesn't that name make you smile or at least remind you of a movie?

3. Annette from My Rose Valley

Annette is from Sweden and lives in Switzerland now. Her enthousiasm about all sorts of crafts is in every corner of the Rose Valley. I love that pure craftneed. Since she is not allowed to crochet for a while, she was flexible enough to switch to quilting. I adore that. And although she is just a beginner, her quilts are already of a quality I can only dream of. Lovely traditional designs and colours, with clear descriptions of the making off and all that comes along with that. Go and visit the Rose Valley for some colour cheer-up and don't forget to click the label crochet. The blue-red-green-white babyboy blanket is my favorite.

Maureen, Kirsty and Annette, I will not give you any rules
just do whatever you like with the featuring/award
you are more than welcome to take it the way you feel comfortable with it

I just hope you enjoy it!
together with the weekend


  1. Gefeliciteerd hoor!! En nog een heel mooi jaar- het is in ieder geval heel goed begonnen!! Veel liefs.Bea

  2. Hi Maiike
    Wish you a happy new year....and a nice weekend too :o)


  3. Maaike gefeliciteerd met je Award!! Super!
    Ga zo door, liefs Renske

  4. Lieve Maaike,
    Wat vind ik dit ontzettend LIEF van jou! You made me blush, girl! Mijn sweetheart zegt altijd dat ik schrijf zoals ik praat (en ik kan nogal veel praten...)dus ik ben echt blij als iemand mijn schrijven leuk vind, dus YOU MADE MY DAY!
    Enne, echt op z'n Amsterdams, gewoon je eigen draai aan de award geven, brilliant! Goed idee!
    Geniet van je weekend, het is hier opeens 15 graden vandaag, dag sneeuw!
    Groetjes, Maureen x

  5. Ah, Maaike, you are a sweetheart! Thank you so much for this award, and thank you even more for not holding me to it! I look forward to swapping more sewing and crafting ideas with you in 2011. (And thank you for introducing me to Maureen and Annette's blogs)

  6. Hallo, I came here through Kirsty's blog. Congtratulations, your blog looks very inspiring to me, fresh and full of ideas.

  7. Dear dear Maaike. Thank you for your lovely way of turning the Award into something special. I think this is the first time someone has really "reviewed" me in an objective way. That is very flattering, every single word. Lovely feed back. Makes me feel very special indeed, and I guess that is one of the reasons we do blog in the first place. I didn't realize I could be that special in this big world of blog land... I am honored and will follow in your footsteps making this Award something really special. Thanks.

  8. Ohhh, and the baby blanket got finished, but I forgot to take pictures. The new owner is delighted. How could I forget to photograph it? It turned out really nice. I am back with the hook, a teeny tiny bit just. Will post about that later this week.


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~