
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sewing class #1 and #2

in 2009 I took two knitting courses
in 2010 I learned to crochet
and in 2011 I will learn how to sew

~ so so so very very exciting ~

Kirsty from You had me at bonjour encouraged me to involve you in the process
therefore, the coming six weeks I will post about the things I learn in class

class #1

Welcome to the customize class where we will learn how to sew and create new items from old clothes we don't wear anymore, and at the same time would or could not throw away.
The first class was all about inspiration. 
Our teacher showed us her work and explained how to start the machines we will use in class.

vintage fabric ~ inspiration from Cath my mom gave me for christmas ~ pieces of fabric and an old sweater, cushion to be

class #2

The second class this week, we started sewing for real. Exciting! We were taught to sew little straight lines, rims and boarders. And beautiful figure stitches of course. My machine and I went wrong every now and then, but I loved it! Of course some flaws here and there, but most of all I am quite proud of my first results!


  1. Leuk zeg, oude kleren gebruiken om iets nieuws te maken! Wordt een gaaf kussen volgens mij. Ik zit sinds vorig jaar ook op naailes en vind t geweldig. Die proeflapjes komen me bekend voor :) Succes!

  2. Leuk, leuk, leuk! Geniet ervan. Ben benieuwd wat je allemaal tevoorschijn gaat toveren :-).

  3. Heel veel plezier wens ik je bij het naaien.
    Kijk eens bij Farbenmix rond.
    Bij elk Patroon die je kan kopen zit een begeleiding, stap voor stap.( Op de Site )
    Zin om vandaag nog mee te doen bij Link Your Stuff?

    Groetjes Miriam

  4. That's so great that you're learning how to sew! I can't sew(with a sewing machine that is)for the life of me! It's good that you can attend hands-on classes. I really envy you but I will try to learn if I had a good sewing machine that will work with me :) Good luck with your lessons!

  5. I am on this journey! Exciting. Straight lines are the hardest! I got Cath's MAKE for X-mas. Eye candy these books.

  6. good for you....I look forward to the update posts and projects

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. That is so cool:) I would love to learn how to sew too..Well done, my dear

    ps: I am hosting a sweet necklace GIVEAWAY, later today :) ... Please, join in!

  9. Ben trots op je!! Leuk en volhouden, dan maak je straks de mooiste dingen.


  10. Great! Thanks for letting us know what you get up to. I'd love to learn more about sewing clothes, especially about making your own or adapting commercial patterns to better fit. Have fun!
    PS. Love the new banner!

  11. Well done. I am sure you are going to have lots of fun in your sewing classes!
    Susan x

  12. Hej maaike!
    Wat leuk zeg! ik ben erg benieuwd naar je creaties! Haha, laat je niet haasten door ons hoor!
    Veel succes!

    Dikke kus X

  13. Sweet!
    My grandmother taught sewing back in the 1930's. That was a long time ago Haha!

  14. Heel veel plezier! Het is zo erg leuk! inspiratie genoeg op internet! Helaas ontbreekt de tijd af en toe!
    Groetjes Rhea (blauw geblokt)

  15. Congratulations on learning to sew! I'm also starting a sewing class next week. I've wanted to sew for years and have a lovely sewing machine that just sits gathering dust. 2011 will be the year that I conquer my fear of the sewing machine :)

  16. I also meant to say - Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog! I am very lucky to have met my grandmother and it meant so much to my mum as well. The granny stripe blanket is being buried with my grandmother as her adopted daughter requested it to be so as her mother loved it so much and of course I was happy to oblige. Keep up the sewing as I will be checking your blog for inspiration once I have started my classes. Xx

  17. Once you learn, you are gonna be hooked! Have fun!

  18. Yoehoe! Go Maaike!
    Ik krijg er ook zin in! (ik ben 7 maart aan de beurt). Leuk dat je foto's ervan maakt, dan kijk ik mee, gelijk extra lessen, top!
    Ben benieuwd hoe het eruit ziet!
    Groetjes, Maureen xx

  19. Hi, I am lisa. I starting my sewing classes in summer at Hobbysew. I hope you have learned very well in your class. If you have any quires regarding sewing you can share with me at


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~