
Wednesday, February 2, 2011


we have a lot of white flowers in our home
I love whites

and my Aalto vases
do you know the design?
Iittala uses it for a lot of purposes now

but I stick to the original: vases

~ I really do love winter, but the thing with blogging and winter is the lack of daylight to take pictures the way I like to... aaargh. So you have to wait until the weekend to see my new found item on the street, the WIP on my crochet blanket and some bargain DIY books from the bookstore ~

Happy Wednesday!


  1. I love of my favourite designers or glass. The vases look gorgeous in your home xx

  2. Hoi Maaike,

    Deze vazen zijn inderdaad prachtig. Ik heb zelf een glasservies van Italla. Dat is ook zo mooi en tijdloos.

    Fijne woensdag!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  3. Sure I know Aalto ;) Greetings fron Finland! you can not imagine how dark it is here! You have lots of fun colours.

  4. Oh dat winterweer idd... ik wacht ook met smart op meer zonlicht en blauwe luchten om te fotograferen!

  5. Your blog is always a bright spot in my visiting!

  6. There may not be the sunshine that you love but your pictures are still beautiful. I'm looking forward to seeing your blanket and other things soon. Rachael Xx

  7. Oohh ja, bloemen en vazen :-) Ik heb de blauwe Aalto, nu met blauwe druiven... heel mooi. Leuke blog heb je!

  8. Wel of gen licht je foto's zijn erg mooi!
    Leuk dat je mee doet aan mijn give-away en dat je me bent gaan volgen. Keuze 1 staat genoteerd.
    Groetjes Michaja

  9. So pretty. I'll be back to see what you've been up to. Thanks for visiting and leaving such kind words.

  10. The glimpse of your home looks gorgeous and the white flowers are beautiful. Rachaelxx

  11. Beautiful! I love the bookshelves. And white... swoon!


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~