
Friday, March 18, 2011

(un) Lucky

thank you all for your lovely comments on the previous post
you blogfriends are the best!
I checked all the links and learned a lot about sewing teacozy's
more about that in a few weeks I hope

and you guessed it
I developed an addiction to creating babyblankets
this is the newest WIP

this week

I was lucky
to receive the
from Bea the Modern Country Lady

frequent creJJtion readers
know I am always honoured to receive an award
but do not like the consequences so much that come with it

so therefore a big Thank You to Bea
and hereby a link to her blog full of lovely gardening, baking and other home-making ideas
but most of all I love her header so do go visit Modern Country Lady
who is originally Dutch by the way

and I would like to feature Mireille from Life Stuff I found her blog quite recently
yesterday, to be precise
and the funny thing is, or at least I think it is funny
we take our pictures on the same location: on little white IKEA cabinets in front of a white wall
and there are a few more similarities on our blogs
but that is for you to find out on Life Stuff
Mireille, you can take the award, if you like

this week
I was also unlucky...

...when I dropped my camera
it somehow slipped out of my hands
and fell on the floor, with the wrong side down
so now the lcd-screen is, let's say cracked
not really, but you know, when you look at it you see mostly stripes
which basically means I can still take pictures, but cannot see what I am taking pictures of...

and No, I do not have a toddler walking around to blame, like Kirsty
no, it was just stupid me who let it slip out of my hands

this weekend I hope to find out what new camera to buy
Canon? Nikon? what type?
after all it is a good excuse to get my first 'real' camera a lot faster than I planned

but what could I say
my luck and unluck are not in perspective with what is going on in Japan
it is all luxury-worry after all here in Amsterdam

I would like to finish with my new love
according to Lucy's pattern
they are so much fun to crochet!

and link up to Friday Pretties

and if you are still with me in this endlessly long post, stay tuned a little longer
the spring give-away is coming up this Sunday...

enjoy your weekend!


  1. Ooh, wat mooi! Ja, je bent zeker en vast verslaafd. Maar zo'n verslaving is niet erg hoor!
    Fijn weekend.

  2. Congratulations on your award, Maaike....well deserved. Baby blankets are such fun to do for people like me who have short attention spans!!! The hexagons look gorgeous...I love the colours youi have used. And sorry about you camera...that is a real blow. :(

  3. tja pechvogel of niet, jij krijgt uiteindelijk toch eerder een cameraatje naar je zin! En ja het is niks bijzonders in vergelijking met de ellende in Japan, vreselijk!

    Mooie zeshoekjes, leuk!

    fijn weekend

  4. Congratulations on your award. I really like the baby blankets, the pink and green and the blue and yellow, so cuddly looking.

  5. I love the colours in your hexagons - they are just perfect for our autumn which is upon us all of a sudden where I live. I 'needed' to replace my old point and shoot camera at the beginning of the year, so I got my first grown up camera too - a canon. Love it! And it's funny, I saw a baby blanket which reminds me of yours on a blog today, you've really got to go and have a look here:

    Have a lovely weekend!

  6. Nothing wrong with a crochet addiction! I just hope your friends have enough babys for you to make a blanket for ;-) I have a Canon Eos and I really like it. And if you buy one you get a free photography course with it!
    Have a good weekend,

  7. Gorgeous WIP!!
    Boo! Re the broken camera but yay for a new one! I love cannon personally. Xox

  8. I am becoming addicted to blankets too, Maaike :) just tried out a cute pattern I found, I'll post it as soon as I get a chance.
    My camera is a Sony Cyber-shot, it's super easy and takes great pictures--but aren't all of them like that, these days...? ;)
    Have a great weekend!

  9. Good Morning Maaike. :o)
    Your crochet blankets are precious.
    I am just learning crochet and working on my very first afghan. Can't wait to show you all. :o)
    Have a nice weekend.
    Sincerely, Trish

  10. Well done on another well deserved award! I love hexagons too, they are so much fun when joined up and nice to have something a bit different from the normal squares. As for cameras, both Nikon and Canon are great. If you want to compare photos of both there are great Nikon and Canon groups on flickr and that was how I chose my camera :)

  11. Oh no....I am so sorry to hear about your camera.....I lost mine that way but I dropped mine in a Earl Grey Vanilla Latte..which I was taking a photo of.

    Your creations are always stunning...happy weekend to you. xoxo

  12. Just discovered your beautiful blog,via coco rose texiles. Love all your creative pieces and I am now following.

  13. Love your haxagons Maaike and so sorry to hear about your camera...I am surprised I haven't done the same thing!
    Susan x

  14. Oh nee je camera laten vallen, your worst nightmare!!! Of in ieder geval de mijne heb een CANON EOS 450 en die wil ik echt niet laten vallen.
    Je dekentje is weer supr mooi. Wat doe je met al die dekentjes? Zijn het kadootjes of verkoop je ze?

  15. I feel your pain - at least you're looking on the bright side (new camera) which is a good thing! Beautiful blanket too. Happy camera shopping!

  16. Congratusltions on the award!
    I really like your "squares"!

  17. Your creations are beautiful!
    I am so sorry that you dropped your camera. That's a bad moment, but a brand new camera is a Fun moment. :)

  18. Congrats on your award. Love the baby blanket colors.


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~