
Friday, April 1, 2011


this Friday
another crochet ensemble

my new hexagon love
the next question is how to arrange them
or to not arrange them at all

but let's first crochet a lot more
to create something more blanketsize

last night my friend put a huge smile on my face

~ it is still there ~

when she told me creJJtion did not only inspire her to crochet
but also her colleagues ~ my former colleagues
to pick up the crochethook again

isn't that wonderful?

thank you ladies for this perfect notice to start the weekend

enjoy yours and crochet along!

~ love ~

linking up to Friday Pretties


  1. I love your hexagons, they'll make a great blanket! It's great to inspire by Blogging!

  2. Beautiful, Maaike! the colours are gorgeous. You are an inspiration!! Have a lovely weekend xx

  3. Love them! I think we are sort of on the same wavelength!!!!! We even chose the same colourways! How weird is that?!!!!!! What will yours be? Mine are fairly big so it is growing quickly!

    Beautiful photos.....I bet it is a lovely feeling to have inspired others!

    Have a beautiful day!

    Vanessa xxx

  4. gossie wat een werk zeg, maar ik weet zeker dat het heel mooi zal gaan worden!

  5. Oooh, superleuk! Ik vind ze ook mooi. Gebruik je allemaal garen van hetzelfde merk? Ik had al zo'n vermoeden dat het een dekentje zou worden, haha! Op mijn werk is ook de haak- en breikoorts uitgebroken, lachen toch!
    Fijn weekend!

  6. Looks like you've got yourself a little addiction there ;)

  7. I like the random combination of colors. Those hexagons look fantastic!
    Happy weekend!

  8. I am yet to do a hexie!! Yours are lovely and well done on enabling a few others to pick up the hook again. x

  9. i popped i again this morning..for inspiration...:) for some color inspiration...

  10. Gorgeous! I love the randomness too :) but no matter how you join them it will look great.
    Have a great weekend!

  11. Your blog and crochet are wonderful!!

  12. This si such a great color combination. I love it! I also really enjoy your photos. They really have an artistic quality to them :)

  13. Lieve Maaik!

    Wat leuk dat je zoveel mensen inspireert met je blog!! :) Zo te zien was het dus geslaagd gisteravond! Ik ben nog steeds lekker in Almere (ook aan het haken;) en laat het je meteen weten als ik weer in Amsterdam ben, dan plannen we wat!

    Wish you a lovely friday en enjoy the weekend!!
    Big hug, Wija

  14. Zo! Jij bent lekker bezig!Mooie kleurtjes heb je gebruikt. Besef me dat ik ook nog een mandje met een stapel granny squares heb liggen, waar ik best eens een aanvulling op zou kunnen gaan (m)(h)aken.Noflik weekend!

  15. You make me want to pick up a crochet hook, too! The colors you chose are Beautiful! Thanks for joining my little party today. Very Pretty!!!

  16. Love your hexagons , the colours are gorgeous. I think the random arrangement is great :0)

  17. Hoewel ik (al zeg ik het zelf) wel redelijk goed ben in kleurencombinaties, ben ik toch wel jaloers op jouw talent, dit is zo mooi! Ik zou dat niet direct zo kunnen combineren, denk ik.
    En koop je je wol in een online-winkeltje? Zo ja, welk?

  18. Such cozy sweet colours my friend...this reminds me of my childhood with my grandma...what happy times.

    Enjoy your day. xoxoxo

  19. You have inspired me to start to crochet is going to be something new for me to learn in the Summer!
    Have a great weekend lovely friend,
    Susan x

  20. These will make a beautiful blanket!!

  21. Hoi Maaike,

    Wat leuk dat je een bron van inspiratie voor je vriendin bent! Ik moet zeggen dat jij en Vanessa van Coco Rose mij ook enthousiast hebben gemaakt!

    Een fijn weekend & lieve groet,


  22. I can't imagine how many you'll need to make a blanket. But who cares? It will be beautiful. Makes me want to run to the start and get started on this type of project. Awesome!

  23. These are looking really really amazing - I would love playing with these, arranging them in different combinations, putting them back in the box, taking them out again...!!

    Cant wait to see the project you eventually choose to make with them!

    I have been doing a bit of crochet with 4ply yarn, unusual for me as I usually go for the chunkier stuff - will blog about it soon.

    Have a great weekend, Helenxx

  24. Oh Maaike, they are just gorgeous. All those colours, quite unexpectedly, look so lovely together. I cannot wait to see them all stitched up into a blanket!

  25. hey maaike, ik was al een tijdje niet op je blog geweest, dus ik had wat 'bijleeswerk' te verrichten ;) Maar nu ben ik weer helemaal up to date mat je prachtige werk. Alleen van je foto's wordt ik al blij...en stil...want ze zijn echt mooi!
    En heerlijke kleurencombinaties in je haakwerk, echt prachtig :)

  26. That is wonderful! Your blog is beautiful and inspiring. I don't think there is a greater complement than to be told you are inspiring others. Love the colors for your hexagon blanket. Looks like it will be amazing!


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~