
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thank you again

thank you's again
from me to you
who give me advice on how to plan a wedding
how to stay calm and enjoy
and how to save your marriage before it even existed

in Holland we say: go camping with your lover
in a tent
without navigation system in the car
and find out how you will manage together
if your relationship survives that holiday, it will probably survive more

now I can say
~ with a big smile on my face ~
try to organize a wedding in 3 months
if you manage together...

~ laugh out loud ~

oh, and for those of you who cannot wait any longer: hexagon crochet pattern is on it's way
just a few more days...


  1. Your photos are gorgeous! You need to add titles to your posts because I couldnt open it from my reader. You must be crazy to plan a wedding so fast!!!

    Oo and the plural of you is 'you' with no s. I've noticed a lot of Europeans do this. I must talk to the English teachers =)

    I wish you all the luck in the world! I hope you find a great photographer also

  2. Yep, I think it doesn't really matter how much time you have ... at some point everybody goes a bit crazy during organization ... For me one thing that helped to give the people that went crazy with ideas and suggestions and nervousness in my family some small area of responsibility, so they felt they could take part ... Well ... The best thing is to go with your gut! Don't let people push you (easily said ...). You'll make it! :-) :-D :-)

  3. Congratulations Maaike :):) Did not know that you are getting married !
    I organized my wedding in 3 months too...don't worry, stay calm and remember always to not stress because it is sooo beautiful organizing a wedding and you'll remember forever this stage of your life!
    Good luck!

  4. It will be fabulous and you will look back and wonder how you did it! xxx

  5. By the way, I personally am amazed by the very high standard of English shown by non-English bloggers....I am in awe of your linguistic skills! xx

  6. Hoi Maaike,

    Begrijp ik het je trouwen?! Wat ontzettend leuk! Van Harte Gefeliciteerd! Jee, een bruiloft regelen in drie maanden tijd is niet niks. Ik wens je heel veel succes en vooral plezier.

    Lieve groetjes, Madelief x

  7. Congratulations, I am always moved when two people commit into marriage. All the best for the coming months.

  8. Hi Maaike

    Many congratulations on your engagement and upcoming wedding! I have been catching up with all your posts I missed whilst I was away! Beautiful pictures, as ever!

    Have a super day!

    Vanessa xxx

  9. So much excitement Maaike! are going to have such a fabulous time...
    Wishing you a lovely weekend,
    Susan x

  10. That is so true about camping..another test is putting up wallpaper together..

    Love love love your tulips...stunning! I so want a big jar of them like that.

    Happy weekend my sweet friend...hope the plans are going well. xoxoox

  11. All my sincere congratulations!
    A nice adventure than this!!
    I know a wonderful site on marriages, both in decor, ideas, last minute preparations ... This is "THE MARRIED TO BAREFOOT"
    I wish you a sweet weekend!

  12. Such beautiful tulips.
    My husband and I went camping without a navigation system before we were married - and survived. But we always joke that he is never happy unless he has to do at least one U-turn on any trip to a new destination!
    I hope your plans are going well.

  13. When I saw the tulips, I thought "wow, they're so many", and then " but she's in Holland"...
    I think it's actually better that you don't have lots of months for preparations. It's a big event but I believe if preparations last too long, everyone gets too stressed out and tired in the end.
    I tried the crochet heart tutorial. It's brilliant; you can see the results on my blog.


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~