
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Stockholm #4

how wonderful some of you seem to enjoy this Stockholm recap with me

I promised you shopping ~ but totally forgot we did something else on day four as well

as it was June 6, the national holiday of Sweden!

we ate the traditional cake with woodland strawberries and cream ~ absolutely delicious

watch that cute little girl in traditional clothing, may be a little bit too much, but still she looks adorable

the royal palace on Gamla Stan (old city) was open for free that day

the fiance and I tried out the royal balcony and thought the view is quite nice

inside there was, among other beautiful things, an exhibition of statues in long hallways, very pretty

and we watched the parades on the royal square with lots of horses and traditional music

as you can see, we were again very lucky with the weather

have a lovely new week!

now for real: shopping pictures in a next post


  1. Have not been to Sweden. Absolutely gorgeous! Wonderful weather and images. Thanks for sharing! Best wishes, Tammy

  2. Think I have to take a day of and be a tourist in my own town. I have never been inside the castle. :-)) Nice to see Stockholm through your lens/eyes.

  3. Such joy and that cake makes me want to get up and dance..yummmmm! Happy day sweet one.

  4. Wat een mooie foto's weer :D, mooi weer ook zo te zien. Ow die cake ziet er heeel lekker uit ja :D! Genietse

  5. Lucky you - all thse photos are gorgeous. I really hope to visit sweden one day - have never been there yet! Have a lovely evening!

  6. Beautiful pictures. And yes, that girl is adorable, but I absolutely LOVE that dress her mum's wearing!

  7. Wilde bosaardbeitjestaart! Mmmmde smaak van Zweden uit mijn jeugd.

  8. Ziet er weer goed uit Maaike! Je maakt mooie foto´s en leuk om een indruk te krijgen van Zweden!
    Tot over 2 weken :-)
    Liefs Renske

  9. super om het eens met zonnig weer te zien, wij waren er in november, da's een heel ander zicht en gevoel.

  10. Wonderful, it all looks very grand. I would like a slice of that cake....mmmmmm. Have a lovely weekend, love Linda x


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~