
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Material Obsession

as you probably figured out

I have a little material obsession ~ smile ~

my sweet colleagues back in the Netherlands got me this book as a good bye gift

it is a very pretty book with the most beautiful quilts by the Australian ladies Kathy Doughty and Sarah Fielke

and from the basis to high level quilting, they all explain it in this book with clear drawings

really, with this book there is absolutely no excuse for me not to start quilting right away

so when I visited a yardsale last week, I took this pile of Christmas fabrics with me

and now I have to wait a few weeks more until my sewing machine arrives from overseas

until then, I will crochet and knit a little, and eat a mini cupcake or two from the amazing Cupid's

it was a delicious but dangerous discovery we did today in Canada...

~ love ~


  1. Cupcakes look irresistible, wishing you nice week ahead enjoying crocheting, reading and discovering temptations!

  2. Yum, cupcakes zien er goed uit!! Balen dat je naaimachine er nog niet is.
    Groetjes, Esther.

  3. I have that book and I love it! What a great gift. Just throw yourself out there. Good luck on your quilting adventure!

    And again, green as the Grinch this time... How can you be so lucky finding all those gorgeous X-mas fabric? I want to find treasures like that too!!!

  4. Look like a lovely book!
    Greetings from Eva Sweden

  5. Oh such lovely friends you have.Looks like some good reading soon.Enjoy!

    Happy new week ahead!

  6. What joy my that is a good day I would think!

    Hugs...any word on a home? A job?


  7. Hoi Maaike,

    Wat ziet dit er allemaal mooi uit....oh en die cupcakes....zo heb je ze niet in Holland!

    Een gezellige nieuwe week,

    Madelief x

  8. The Christmas fabrics are looking so beautyful!
    I wish I will find also such beautiful fabrics here in Germany. Nicole

  9. hi Crejjtion!
    i referred to your blog in my latest blogpost, here's the link:

    just so you'd inspire people! :)

  10. Mmm, cupcakes! I bet you can't wait for that machine to turn up so you can get started. Love to see what you get up to with that fabric and the M.O. book. Enjoy x

  11. oh de kerst-stofjes zijn helemaal geweldig!! om wat in de stemming te komen:
    enjoy! :-)
    xx andere Maaike

  12. it all looks delicious...been wanting to do a quilt...for so long...

  13. Leuk weer even een kijkje op je blog te nemen en wat zie ik daar je zit in Canada!! Veel plezier en geniet ervan maar dat ben je geloof ik volop aan het doen :)

  14. Mmm, cupcakes en ik vind het boek ook mooi!

    Beren groetjes van mij:

    Beertje Zonn


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~