
Monday, August 1, 2011

Shop in Neutrals

on this sunny Monday Morning

the third and last post of the little shop series

De Zinkenviool in Grootebroek, Noord-Holland with it's own webshop and blog

 mainly neutral colors this time

with a friendly welcome to the new tearoom

beautiful light blue shades

with a little red here and there ~ oh so pretty

and of course I was delighted to find this crochet blanket and a little knitting in progress

once again: thank you Jayne for the beautiful shop!

wishing you all a wonderful new week ~


  1. Hi Maaike,

    I'm off to make a hot drink and have a long read through all your posts I have missed whilst I have been on a bloggy break. I just wanted to say though, many, many congratulations on your wedding. The photos are absolutely looked so completely stunning!


  2. Thanks for the tour, I'm glad I don't live near this store or I'd be broke! I love that crocheted blanket; I'm generally not drawn to all-neutral palettes but I really love that one.

  3. I am coveting that crochet blanket. Love how it is joined together. Very pretty. I would have palpitations in that shop I just know I would as I'd be desiring it all and not know what to look at next...and I'd probably drop something!!


  4. So many lovely things I see that I want!!!! Pure joy my friend. xoxoxoxo

  5. Hoi Maaike,

    Dit is ook weer zo'n mooie winkel! Ik moet echt een lijstje aan gaan leggen met leuke adresjes!

    Lieve groet & gezellige avond,

    Madelief x

  6. Als ik in zo'n winkel ben, weet ik niet meer wat ik moet kiezen en verlaat dan meestal zonder aankoop weer het pand... gewoon allemaal té mooi! hahaha...


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~