
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Placemats reveal

another homemade gift for a dear friend

I created the placemats in the Netherlands, just like these ones you might remember

all six of them colorful and bright

though I still have to learn how to make those corners nice and even

another sewing class might work for me

and guess what... I got myself into quilting class, starting this Thursday!

more about that later this week

~ happy me quilting in Canada ~


  1. I love these placemats, so colourful! And lucky you, a quilting class, I'd love it if they did them where I live

  2. Beautiful placemats, love the colors, i think your corners look fine, in fact they look v good. sounds like you're settling in well in canada :D
    Enjoy the quilt class!!!!
    Karen x
    ps i'm having a giveaway, pop over & put your name in xx

  3. How pretty! Check out the binding toot at Diary of a quilter. The corners are not as difficult as you might think. But the straight lines are if you choose to machine sew your binding on. If you do start sewing it on to the back piece and then you fold it over and sew it on from the front. THAT is the big challenge. How exciting with a quilting class. I want to take one too...

  4. Love the bright colours and patterns, great job!!
    I'm in need of sewing again now that the sunshine has left us :(

  5. Wat een vrolijke placemats! En wat leuk voor je ... Quilten! Lijkt me moeilijk. Ik ben benieuwd hoe je het vind.


  6. I just love these placemats - great colors!!

    Hope everything is going well for you in Canada. xo Ashlyn

  7. Oh those are so lovely - I'm so jealous, I'd like you to make me some please!!!! Such pretty colours.

    I would like to try a quilting class too but I also want to learn to sew and knit and all the rest of it. I wouldn't have time to work!

    Hope you are settling in well in your new home and enjoying married life! Sounds like you're fitting in perfectly.
    Nicki xx

  8. Too sweet! Beautiful choice of fabrics, Maaike! xxx

  9. They are lovely.Have fun in your quilting class.Im trying to learn as well.

    Happy new week!

  10. Gorgeous colours, and don't worry, you'll learn all about mitred binding for your corners in your quilting class. Enjoy - can't wait to see your creations!

  11. ze Zijn superleuk zeg! ik ben op zoek naar placemats voor de lunchpauze van de kinderen op school, nu ik dit zie weet ik dat ik snel weer achter de naaimachine moet kruipen!
    bednakt voor de leuke tip!

  12. Heerlijk die vrolijke kleurtjes!
    Wat goed dat je je daar hebt aangemeld voor een hobby-klasje.

  13. love the placemats, maaike. so cheerfully colorful! if you ask me, it looks like you could teach a class, not take one.


  14. Lovely placemats!!Something for you in my blog!!

  15. "Ga bij een vereniging, daar ontmoet je mensen", zei de moeder van een vriendinnetje vroeger. We hebben deze opmerking vaak belachelijk gemaakt, maar er zit natuurlijk wel wat in. Ben benieuwd naar je quilts.


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~