
Saturday, October 29, 2011

BYW and the Silk Scarf

due to my travels I am a little behind in the Blogging My Way class

but it is Fun and Great

one of the things I discovered is Picasa and its ability to make picture lay outs

also, during the course I learned about collages

I realized I did make them with my pictures, but never made them before I took pictures

therefore, with help from the BYW course and Picasa

I am playing around with collages, framing pictures, shadows

and a different way in presenting my WIP: the silk scarf


you see the owl from Anthropologie, a try out scrap from quilting class, jingle bells

pencils from Sweden, a shiny shell from a cute store in Vancouver

and vintage writing paper with a cute white ribbon I recently found at a thrift store

the next thing for me is learning how to size these collages...

~ enjoy your weekend! ~


  1. I love your silk scarf! Such gorgeous colors!

  2. So your scarf...have fun my friend...picasa is fun...I am not sure how to use everything...I need to take some time to play around with it as well. xooxxoo HUGS.

  3. I love playing with Picasa! Photoscape is a good one as well and I often combine the two! recently however, I have discovered Photoshop. Oh boy, so much fun this blogging lark! :-)

  4. Hello! Your layouts are wonderful, love how you have arranged the objects and the colour schemes. Very inspiring! Will check out Picasa for myself, looks like fun!

    Have a great weekend,
    Love Julia x x x

  5. How lovely and totally unique. Are you enjoying making it?

    I've so much to learn with blogging, I didn't know picassa could do collages. I've always done them in picnik.

    We are going to NYC on Tuesday and you're photographs in your previous posts have excited me. Thank you.


  6. I am very much enjoying BYW as well! Great scarf, what stitch is that?

  7. Ooh, this looks really interesting Maaike...I have never really taken much notice of Picasa...I think it's time to have another look!...Your collages are so the colours too...
    Hope you have a great weekend,
    Susan x

  8. Dit ziet er mooi uit zeg! Zelf heb ik Picasa nog niet uitgeprobeerd, maar had er al wel van gehoord. Ik doe het nog in Powerpoint;-)
    Succes! Groetjes Patricia

  9. Really love the photo layouts, my daughter is trying to teach me to use photoscape & photoshop at the mo, but i have to say the whole suggestion to collage before taking the pics is genious, no wonder i never thought to do it :D !!!!!
    Have a lovely weekend Karen x

  10. I wish I knew how to do this in Photoshop - I think I need to do some googling. The scarf is gorgeous! Can't wait to see it finished, enjoy!

  11. You collages look great! I hope you figured out how to size them because that is the easy part! Your colors and composition are inspiring! Thanks for giving me the link, I love seeing all this work being done! xo


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~