
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Decorated Match Boxes

so, let's share the match box fun!

here is the result of a little fun time with paint, paper and glue

Santa arrived with lots of toys

I painted this box in a light pink before I glued Santa to it

added a few silver stars in the sky and gave him some more snow to walk on

this cute little girl with her baby doll

I framed her in white, light brown and stone red, with a golden background in the middle

her girlfriend here on the left seems pretty jealous...

these are modern prints of vintage Swedish images by the way

but of course any image, scrap from a magazine or picture could work for you

and Santa perfectly matches to the birds I think


the good news about match boxes though

is that they have two sides...

so here I went, decorating the other side a little less traditional

by weaving Japanese paper that I had to cut in strips first

and a painted version that goes with it

in a pattern derived from the Japanese paper print

and the result: no more ugly match boxes in our kitchen cupboard

but pretty ones on the side table!

it is a very easy and quick project, providing you with a lot of fun

did I inspire you or your kids to decorate your own match box?

~  I would love to know! ~


  1. That's a great idea, I was looking for something to do with the whole family! Now I found it!! Thanx a lot!!!!! hugzz...peebee

  2. Alweer zo sprookjesachtig mooi. Hoe doe je het toch om alles zo feeëriek te maken? En dan die foto's! Volgens mij kan je huis zo in een woontijdschrift!
    Echt genieten is het om hier langs te komen!

  3. great job, they look really cute!!

  4. Cute boxes! I love the one with the japanese paper, so nice!!

  5. Adoring the papers you used! I did a similar project for my wedding this past July.

  6. love your matchboxes, maaike. so clever!


  7. You would inspire anyone with your creativeness - young or old!

  8. Bellissime le tue scatoline .......le adoro!!!! Anto

  9. Wat zien je doosjes er mooi uit Maaike!

    Lieve groet, Madelief x

  10. I am inspired!!! I will try to make some this weekend. Thank you for the great ideas...I love your blog.

  11. Of course you did, somehow I don't like wraping design, even though there are some real good works. I never got the idea, but now...

    Every match box of yours is cute,they have what it takes to capture my heart

  12. Oh so pretty! I instantly called my mom asking her to get me some "book marks" as we call these paper figurines. When I was a kid I collected them in a book. My favorites were angels and animal motives. I am absolutely inspired. And nostalgic.

  13. what a wonderful idea!!! I love it! Pati x

  14. I love this idea, it's simple, it's useful and it looks really adorable!


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~