Thursday, November 3, 2011

Fall on a string

inspired by the leaves around our home

and due to the amazing sunny and warm weather today

I decided to make a Fall display with the leaves I found during my little walk

and that is also to do something different than quilting ~ for a change, haha

a few weekends ago we cut our tree and I made a little wreth of the twigs

today I took the orange Divine Twine and worked it around the wreth, adding leaf by leaf

by using the twine instead of hot glue, it allows me to reuse the wreth once I am done with the leaves

some of the leaves were so pretty to my eyes

I took wooden pins to hang them on a string on our mantel

to add a twist I decorated a few pins with Japanese washi tape ~ an idea I found on Pinterest


by the way, isn't that the greatest thing, Pinterest?

I just started my creJJtion account there and I am already addicted...

it is a great way to keep track of all the wonderful project ideas you find online,

and would like to start tomorrow of course, but somehow I have difficulties doing that

and so Pinterest is my solution!

I got a little destracted there, but here is the Fall display on our mantel

although, I took the wreath outside and it looks pretty happy on the front door as well...

happy late Fall to you!


  1. so pretty I love the colours!!! too bad it wont last like that long :( my leaves shrivel up in a day inside, but if you have them outdoors they last longer!
    hugs tereza

  2. So so pretty.
    I think I'm in love with ur creation ^__^

  3. So all these yummy colours. I really do love your wreath on your red door. Hugs to you. xoxo

  4. Dear Maaike
    Autumn leaves - what a joy! My kids came home with a whole basket full of the yesterday. So beautiful! I found this:

    A simple instruction (in Swedish but pictures says it all...) on how to make roses out of the leaves. Maybe you will get inspired to try it out.

    I love the way you have put the leaves up with clothes pins. Love love love the simplicity.

  5. very beutiful...i hope make this!!hehehe

  6. love the colors of the leaves against your red door...i think my white front door..will be changing color soon...your picture..just tipped the scales for me...

  7. Wow, gaaf gedaan zeg. Prachtig die kleuren ook. Ik ben echt een herfstliefhebster en geniet echt iedere dag van al het moois buiten. Leuk dan zo'n bladeren krans.

    Geniet, groetjes Jolanda

  8. Erg leuk idee!! Gelijk allerlei mooie kleurtjes in huis. Gezellig.
    Liefs Renske

  9. Ohhhhh wat mooi! Die kleuren. Zoals alleen de herfst het kan.... wauw.

  10. Oeh die Canadese herfst en wat jij er van maakt is mooi!

  11. Wat een mooie krans is het geworden Maaike. Het staat prachtig op jullie voordeur!

    Lieve groet,

    Madelief x

  12. Gorgeous colors! Enjoy the beautiful weekend, Kellie xx

  13. Absolutely beautiful - our leaves here in the UK are now finally getting to their best - but at the moment they are a little bit too wet to go and pick up!

    Have a lovely weekend Helenxx

  14. Mooi! Ik ben je net beginnen volgen op Pinterest. Verslavende site hé. :)

  15. Your photographs are amazing! I love the clothespins!


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~