
Sunday, November 13, 2011


thank you for the sweet comments on the previous posts

you sure know how to brighten my days!

this is a little Dutch hug for you ~ smile

last week we finally got our couch

and it makes me very happy to see my Amsterdam~made cushion cover and crochet blanket on it

I have been busy organizing and decluttering our house

that is how it works for me; 

the more things are organized, the more room there is in my head for creativity

after all the cleaning and organizing we went out for a little walk

it is unusually warm for this time of the year, Canadians tell us

we enjoy it a lot though

I am showing you the poncho my mom and I made together two years ago

she sewed it together, I added the blanket stitch, stars and wooden details

with so many leafs on the ground

we can almost picture what it will look like in a few weeks from now with snow...

back home we enjoy a nice cup of tea and little treats

in our lives full of 'firsts' here in Canada

we had a joyful 'first' last night; Canadian friends came over to our place for dinner

a good reason for me to try out a new recipe and bake mini lemon coconut cakes

such a wonderful evening, such delicious cakes!

and to finish this post

the husband got me this sweet pretty rose

I miss the pretty Dutch flower shops at every street corner

so this rose is a real treat and it is very precious to me

we are ready for a new week!

~ how was your weekend? ~


  1. What beautiful beautiful pictures. As always on your blog :) My weekend seems to have been the opposite of yours, filled with heat and swimming lots to avoid said heat!!

  2. Such beautiful and inspiring photos! As a Torontonian myself, I just can't over how you bring a fresh perspective to the every day - so lovely.

  3. we had snow on our mountains...weird weather for Cape is supposed to be summer..i can imagine that you miss Amsterdam and the flowers, it was one of my best memories that i brought home..elegant ladies riding bikes, with baskets filled with fresh flowers..and every window had a vase with flowers...maybe you can introduce Toronto to that lovely Dutch tradition..;)

  4. Wat een schitterende omgeving Maaike! En die poncho is echt prachtig! HEt zijn hele mooie details. Wat een plezier kan je dan van iets hebben he? De bank is ook prachtig!
    Fijne week
    liefs Ester

  5. So many wonderful photos - thank you for sharing your world with us and making me smile this morning! Have a good start into the new week! Greetings from the "other side" - Germany, Simone

  6. Thank you for sharing your weekend and your beautiful pics! :-) I had a rare weekend off work, so mine was very nice, too.

  7. Le foto sono bellissime......Anto

  8. i love your new header! great to see all the crafty goings on in canada ^_^

  9. Gorgeous new banner...and that! xxx

  10. He jammer dat je niet om de hoek woont! Zou ik met een grote bos bloemen langs komen in de hoop dat ik zo´n lekker taartje kon proeven.
    Fijne week

  11. Such lovely autumn pics, thanks! I'm like you, I don't feel very creative in a mess. A quick clean up does wonders for me.

  12. Oh Maaike, I sense a little sadness i your post. I guess you must be feeling a little homesick.I am sure it is normal at this time of year, for your thoughts to return home. You are so right about de-cluttering and clearing to make it easier to be creative! Your poncho you made with your mum is beautiful, and those cakes look really good. Have a wonderful week, love Linda x


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~