
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Flower Progress

a few images to share with you

what is going on here this Sunday

I made quite some progress with the crochet flower

lots of tiny granny squares arranged on my table

already in the fifth version of it's design

and still in progress, haha

I am slowly coming to the point where I will be out of white and pink yarn

well, that's the risk of buying yarn without having a plan in mind of what to make with it

at the same time I am planning my trip to Chicago

we fly off in a few days ~ the mister for business

and I, well, for yarn and fabric business, and some exploring around the Windy City

~ so excited ! ~

in our kitchen this beauty came to full bloom

and I love every single bit of it

the same accounts for the dark red wall in this rental home

this is the first time I actually enjoy it not being white

pure white snow outside and dark wall inside

the perfect ingredients for some highly contrasting images


wishing you a beautiful new week


  1. Oh my the flower is gorgeous.So soft and serene.I need one of those inside,how upliffing and refreshing for this time of year.It reminds me of easter.

  2. Ha, ik volg je nog op de voet hoor en geniet nog steeds volop van je post :-) Heerlijk je kleurgebruik, Crea dingen, belevenissen, leuk leuk. Vorige keer was het me trouwens nog niet helemaal duidelijk wat je van plan was met het patroon van die bloem, ik dacht dat je het wilde borduren maar dit is helemaal te leuk. Ik ben heel benieuwd hoe het gaat worden alssie af is, vast heel mooi.

    Fijne week weer, liefs Jolanda

  3. I love your idea of mini-grannies to form a design. I got inspired to try that some day. With grannies, I usually join them as I go along, but i was wondering HOW are you going to join so many little pieces???? I will be checking to see...
    Love your blog, by the way. You have impeccable taste! Have a nice trip...
    Ana BC

  4. Hoi,
    ik denk dat je nieuwe haakproject helemaal geweldig gaat worden. Heel tof idee om iets met een kruissteekpatroon te doen. Je hebt me geinspireerd!

  5. Wat een geweldig idee! Ik ben benieuwd hoe het eind resultaat er straks uit gaat zien, vast prachtig! Hoe ga je de vierkantjes aan elkaar zetten?

  6. It will be beautiful ... but a lot of work all that sewing!!
    Good luck! =)

  7. What a gorgeous project, I just love all those little grannies!
    Yarn shopping in Chicago sounds like a lot of fun! :)
    Vivienne x

  8. Busy, busy, busy! Lovely crochet and lovely Amaryllis! Enjoy your trip to Chigago. Love Linda x

  9. I hear the Windy City is mighty pretty ;) This work of art is coming along so nicely. Running out of yarn could be a good thing, you could have some shading of colours in your petals, maybe a slightly darker edge? I'm sure you are already two steps ahead of me with an idea! Beautiful work.

  10. I go with Small Things... A lot of ends to fasten off... But well worth it as it will become an extraordinary piece of art when finished. Enjoy Chicago! Sounds like every day is an adventure in your life. :D

  11. You are more than welcome to visit my Windy City. You will love it here. But, be warned, you need a good jacket, pair of boots, mittens and a scarf. Especially, downtown in the city where the windy does pick up. You will have so much fun. Can't wait to see just where you go. Don't miss Michigan Ave, the Art Institute and of course all the wonderful restaurant. We are know for our Chicago Style pizza, too. I could go on and on, but I'm sure you have found lots in your books to keep you busy.


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~