
Friday, August 10, 2012

New York City ~ part I

it took me forever to go through the hundreds of pictures I took in NY

and making a selection was hard

therefore, be aware of a lot of pictures

also, I decided to split the pictures in two seperate posts

in this first post : pictures of the city and a visit to Magnolia Bakery and Anthropologie

 in the second post : pictures of Purl Soho and the beauty I found there

happy August and hello delicious cupcakes at Magnolia Bakery

we walked all of Saturday, mostly in Soho

delicious dinner at Extra Virgin, love to be found on the streets, beautiful street art and window shopping

cruising through the city by car

beautiful buildings everywhere, perfect color coordinated terrace on Rockefeller Center

on a serious note: view from our hotel room on Ground Zero, the monuments and new development

my eyes are always so pleased at Anthropologie

funny and beautiful views on the way home

definitely a mini trip to remember!

part II with Purl Soho coming up...


  1. Hi Maaike!
    Even snel op de computer en ik zie dat je mooie foto's van NY, een van mijn lievelings steden!
    Ik heb net je posts gelezen die ik had gemist (erg druk hier, we gaan maandag verhuizen naar hotel, zaterdag naar dubai) maar ik wilde je laten weten dat ik mee lees hoor! Trouwens, Love on the street, echt cool! Geniet van het weekend, groetjes,
    Maureen x

  2. ❤such spendid photos, the colors are so vibrant...such a visual treat!

  3. wow, what a trip! I have never been to New york or Anthropologie! One day...The cupcakes looked amazing and I like your wing view mirror picture. Heather x

  4. Wow....ben er stil van! Wat een prachtige foto's!! En die cupcakes...krijg er trek van!

  5. your pics are absolutely fantastic!!! Thank you for sharing these beauties!!
    xxxx Alessandra

  6. Wauw! Wat een mooie reisverslag zo! Ben zo benieuwd wat je van Purl Soho vond!

  7. What a beautiful trip and photos!! xo Heather

  8. Wauw wat een gave plaatjes allemaal en je deken uit de vorige post .... prachtig :-)


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~