
Friday, November 30, 2012

Spread the Love

the big news I am announcing today is a partnership between creJJtion and Baby Watoto

I wrote about this wonderful project earlier, after I posted a request for charity projects and Celeste suggested this organization. the project wouldn't leave my mind and I got in touch with their Canadian department. I donated one of my blankets, but wanted to do more to support them. 

now I proudly present to you a page on my own blog, because creJJtion is dedicated to support Baby Watoto. every now and then I get a request from some of you, for suggestions to donate your crochet and knit items. well, now you have the opportunity to donate your handmade baby products too. 

besides blankets and other baby items, there is of course always the need for financial support too. therefore, I am launching the creJJtion Christmas card collection today, and will donate 30% of the profit of these cards to Baby Watoto. yes. it feels good to help with what lies within my reach, especially this time of year. 
I hope this will be something I can do for years and years to come, together with you.

if you'd like to know more or how you can help Baby Watoto, have a look here and check their website.
if you'd like to get a Christmas card set, have a look here.


due to the Chrismas fair I am attending tomorrow, most products in my shop will be on site and off the webshop for this weekend. patterns will be still available for you during the weekend.


last but not least: creJJtion was mentioned as 'one of the best craft blogs' on the German website Wunderweib. check out this link to find the story on page 12 and a free pattern for you on page 13: my first make that I still use and love every day! it is in German though. if the translator doesn't help you well and you'd like to get it in English or Dutch, send me an e-mail.

sending you lots of love from a very stormy snowy Toronto


  1. Wow, wat mooi zeg; zowel je kaarten als het project en jouw aandeel daarbij!

    Enjoy it!

  2. Good luck Maaike! It looks like a wonderful organisation, hope today goes well, Heather x


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~