
Monday, November 26, 2012

Winter and Yarn Art

with the first mini snow flakes in the air and Christmas decorations slowly coming out, we are sure approaching Winter now. probably my favorite season. 
last week was when I finished the first blanket in the Holland series; Delft Blue and a matching rattle. so much joy to see a happy baby with the blanket, thank you for all your lovely comments. and the pram is so much fun, great to read some of you were in there as a baby!

this is the the week of the Christmas fair, I am getting excited and ready. working on the last pieces and thinking about the presentation of it all. if you are in the neighborhood  please come and see the fair this Saturday! Details to be found on my events page.

today's teaser is a short video of artist Agata Olek, who took on the idea of Christmas wrapping in a completely different way than you would expect ~ look at the perfect thought through pattern in the pieces and how they blend into what at first glance seems to be a random use of yarn. incredible piece of art. click here to watch the video and read a feature of it here.

have a happy Monday


  1. that's brilliant! what an amazing amount of crochet. Such a shame they took it down the next morning!! what an original lady.

  2. wow, how awesome wad that video! amazing talent! xo heather


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~