
Monday, December 3, 2012

Free Knitting Pattern

a rare second post today. about a special free pattern. thanks to my dear loyal reader Anne-Marie I found out the link I gave last week didn't work, so here it is: the German website featured creJJtion as one of the best creative knitting and crochet blogs on page 12 and 13. and of course I am very honored and proud to be part of that small selection of blogs! with the feature comes a free pattern I wrote up for you. 
a very special one to me and I will explain why.

the triangle scarf/ throw you see in the picture is the first knitting project I ever made, in a memorable period of my life. it was the Winter of 2009 and the husband, then boyfriend, and I were celebrating a little holiday in Sweden. I was just diagnosed diabetic type 1 and had been in a Swedish hospital for 5 days. we were both still astonished and unfamiliar with the whole situation. coincidence or meant to be, I had just had my first 3 knitting classes. so it happened, that cold Winter in Sweden 2009, I found a Swedish yarn shop and decided to knit something cozy, to comfort myself and sort my thoughts. I asked for the warmest and best quality wool they had. Lovikka was the yarn I was advised to use. and in a few days, on needle size 9mm, I knitted this throw. super warm and comfortable, elegant and nice. just what we needed at that moment. ever since, this throw has been on our couch. first in Amsterdam, now in Toronto. still looking good, still warm, still a favorite of both of us. talking about heirlooms, I am sure we have a case here.

and now the pattern is available for you too. in German through this link and in English right here. 
I hope you will enjoy it as much as we do!

you need 3 skeins of pure wool, heavy worsted weight, to make this triangle scarf knitted on needle size 9 mm
the finished scarf is about 80x80x120 cm
it starts at the bottom of the triangle and increases by one stitch on every row

row 1: cast on 3 stitches
row 2: knit one, increase one by picking up the loop in between the first and second stitch as a new stitch, knit remaining stitches
row 3: knit one, increase one, knit remaining stitches 
and so forth for another 107 rows until you have about 120 stitches or the desired width of your throw
cast off and enjoy


  1. beautiful shawl, and a heart-warming story. Thanks for sharing BOTH!!!

  2. thank you so much for tis simple, but wonderful pattern!!!
    xxxx Alessandra

  3. That shawl is lovely! I'm going to make this (after the holidays)
    Thank you!

  4. What a great story. Heirloom it is! And cozy. And classy. I really should get into knitting shouldn't I? Like I don't have enough on my plate....???

  5. Congrats on your inclusion in the blog list (no surprises there!) and thank you for the lovely pattern. I bet you're getting lots of opportunities to snuggle with it now the weather has turned; how lovely to have an heirloom in the making.
    I had no idea you were diagnosed Type 1 diabetes - I can only imagine it's been a difficult thing. Like you I really believe crafting has therapeutic benefits and I'm so glad they helped you when you needed it. x x

  6. A lovely nurturing and warm scarf/shawl just when you needed the comfort in the winter of 2009. It's a beautiful and simple pattern and must grow nice and quickly on size 9mm needles!

  7. jammer dat je alleen in het englisch schrijfst.

    groetjes Conny

  8. glad you enjoyed the fair. Your shawl looks so cosy and warm. I can imagine a very comforting make, lovely, Heather x


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~