
Monday, December 17, 2012

Holiday Cheer

when I look through my pictures on Instagram, I see a lot of Holiday Cheer!
one of the last gifts shipped for Christmas, a branch that decided inside our home it is already Spring and bloomed beautifully, lovely PiP Studio plates I was lucky to receive from Sinterklaas
gift wrapping, and a Blurb book creJJtion 2012 portfolio arrived in the mail
based on this first trial, I can highly recommend their printing work, the paper and the colors are truly beautiful
custom baby blanket design, lovely Winter morning glow on the trees, the LED mini lights and Christmas wishes we gave to the sweet Dutch kids after the last class of 2012, and some inspirational books I found on sale at Anthropologie

wishing you a merry last week before Christmas!


  1. Mooie post! Zal ook eens een selectie van mijn foto's van instagram op plaatsen. Dat ziet er zo leuk uit! De Pip bordjes zijn geweldig, lieve groet Martine

  2. what lovely pictures! Those plates are really pretty!

  3. Ik hou echt van jouw foto's... altijd weer mooi! En je boek...wouw, ziet er gaaf uit!!

    Heeele fijne dagen toegewenst!!

  4. So beautiful! Wishing you a Merry Christmas! xo Heather

  5. yes lots of holiday cheer to you too. The book looks interesting and beautiful pictures as always! Heather x


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~