Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Gatherings : The White Issue

the exciting white news I was telling you about last week
Gatherings Magazine: The White Issue by the lovely and talented Heather Spriggs was released yesterday!

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among others, it features my talented and creative friends Claire from Heart Handmade UK, Annetta from Inspired By, Iris from irideeën, Ingrid from Of Spring and Summer and their beautiful projects and pictures. you can find them on Instagram too, for your daily dose of inspiration. I am proud to tell you that I got the opportunity to contribute with Valentine themed how-to instructions for the love pillows and crochet hearts, starting on page 102. thank you Heather for putting together such a beautiful and inspiring magazine.

get yourself a cup of your favorite coffee or tea, sit back, relax, and enjoy this inspiring Gatherings White Issue!


  1. Wat is dat een mooi magazine geworden! En leuk dat jij daar ook een bijdrage aan mocht leveren. Heb toch het patroontje even overgeschreven. Bedankt.

    Groejes, Agnes.

  2. Congratulations on being featured in the magazine. Your crochet hearts are exquisite!!!

  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you and... thank you. I didn't know this magazine and it is simply... awesome.

  4. Wat leuk zeg! Daar mag je trots op zijn, een hollandse dame in het buitenland...heel knap van je.
    Bedankt voor al je lieve reacties op mijn instafoto's!!
    Liefs, Martine x.

  5. Lovely magazine, thanks for the link!

  6. So beautiful and sweet! Thanks for sharing! xo Heather

  7. Thank you Maaike for not only sharing The White Issue with your readers but also for your incredible talents in these pages! Loved having you!

  8. just beautiful! congratulations!!!
    xxx Ale

  9. Ooooo....I'm going to look this over! Congrats on the feature Maaike!

  10. Wat is ie mooi geworden he? Leuk om er samen in te staan.

    x Iris

  11. lovely magazine and some nice links too. I like your kissing heart pillow! Heather x

  12. congrats on the feature ,just beautiful !so happy for you.xx zohreh

  13. Love your little hearts. I am just getting back into crochet and appreciate the directions. Congratulations on your piece in the magazine. New follower!

  14. Thank you for sharing, the hearts look adorable! I am also a new follower :)


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~