
Friday, January 11, 2013

New Blog

after your warm welcome for a 'new blog discovery' last December when I featured Jenn's lovely Color 'n Cream, I decided to make it a monthly item. today I would like to invite you all to the wonderful world of byHaafner.

Haafner is a lovey Dutch lady, I met her online only a few weeks ago, and she started blogging roughly 6 months ago with a truly great eye for color and style. I mean, just look at the pictures I selected from her blog. can you believe she only started crocheting just over a year ago? and the pompoms she makes, sigh... they give such a magical touch to any interior. Haafner you definitely inspired me to make myself a joyful bunch of pompoms too! 

so hop over to Haafner's beautiful blog and find her on Twitter for a look into her beautiful world of 
pastel colors, pretty pretty pot holders she truly swore to herself never to make ~ I am very glad she didn't stick to that, yummy looking cakes her mister H. bakes, and magical pompoms.

pictures by Haafner

thank you for allowing us a little peak into your wonderful world Haafner, and thank you even more for allowing me to play with your beautiful pictures here on creJJtion.

a very happy weekend to all of you


  1. Looks like a lovely find, I shall go and have a look!

    S x

  2. Wat een geweldige vondst Maaike. Ik ga een kijkje nemen.

    Fijn weekend!


  3. I know! Her blog colours are soooo yummie!!

  4. Thanks for the tip! It is a very nice blog.

  5. Dear Maaike,

    Wow, I truly don't know what to say... All your kinds words... It's very sweet of you - thanks! It's so encouraging. Speechless for once. ;-)

    PS. And yes, making pom poms is very addictive!

  6. Thank you for sharing new blogs. There are so many out there just waiting to be discovered and yoru pointers help!

  7. Beautiful blogs! Thank you for sharing them!

  8. Hai Maaike,
    Een leuke blog zeg. Bedankt voor de tip. Zelf ben ik toevallig ook veel bezig met pompons net een pompon slinger gemaakt voor mijn dochters, maar die van mij niet zo mooi rond als op haar blog. :)
    Alsnog het allerbeste voor een goed 2013. Xo


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~