
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Beautiful Long Weekend

we did a good job on making wonderful memories with our friends last weekend. on the beautiful sunny Sunday we went up the CN Tower in Toronto and enjoyed the view. we went to the harbor festival and came home to barbecue in our backyard. the children made the flower arrangements for their kids table, while we enjoyed our homemade caesar salad and other foods and drinks. it was one of those days that seemed to last forever...


  1. It all looks so lovely! Glad you had a fun time :)It doesn't seem to get any warmer over here though. Still waiting for the sun to break through the clouds...

  2. Seems just about perfect to me. Although we live a long way away in the UK we were lucky enough to go to a wedding in Buffalo two years ago and flew in and out of Toronto. So it brought back some very happy memeories

  3. Beautiful day!!! I like your pictures again and I smiled when I saw the one with the CN tower with the blossoms, I have one just like that but it was taken in 87 (its like time has not passed yet its been 25 years)... Sure brought back memories, and now I so have to take my daughter up there so she can see it too. Going soon again down to T.O looking forward to it, so much to see and do there.

    The kids did a brillant job on the table decorations!!!

  4. how wonderful to be enjoying sun and warmth with colour and children and food! great photos x

  5. Wat een gezellige tafel...en jullie hebben zon!!!! Lucky you!

    Fijn weekend,

    Madelief x

  6. The CN Tower brings back SO many great memories!! OOPS ik kan gewoon NL schrijven haha. CN tower dus.......memories <3 Ben 15 keer in Canada geweest...familiebezoek...en ben er verliefd op geworden (al woon ik nu dus in 1e liefde <3 ) Het is een schitterend land...met prachtige natuur en aardige mensen (Canada dan) Groetjes van een Nederlandse in Thailand :)


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~