
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas and a Wonderful 2014

beautiful crochet work by Sandra

taking a moment to thank you all for another Wonderful year of blogging, instagramming, live meeting and joy we shared together. my life would not be the same without you in it. the encouragement, laughter, friendship and fun I get from you is priceless.

it's been a beautiful and moving year for us. it started with a tiny Floyd moving in, then came the move within Canada, soon after that the news we would be going back to The Netherlands later that year. in June the first Create 'n Date happened, a few months after we moved across the ocean and started building our new life in the South part of The Netherlands. all went well and we are thankful for that.

however, we are also pretty tired and looking forward to doing a whole lot of Nothing the coming week. therefore, this will be my last blogpost of 2013. thank you again for all your support and encouragement in the past year. I can't thank you enough, you've been amazing. 

I wish you and yours a wonderful Christmas with lots of laughter, delicious food and joy. some good sleep too, warm snuggles, and kisses under the mistletoe. a fantastic start of 2014, which I wish for you to be a wonderful and healthy year, with lots of yarn fun.

we are off to Sweden to spend time with family, sitting by a similar but different tree. hopefully letting a slightly larger Floyd chew another stick in the snow, and making long walks in Winter Wonderland, after which we warm up by the fireplace and watch another feel good movie.

hope to see you again in 2014

xo Maaike


  1. Fijne tijd in Zweden!!!! Tot ziens in het nieuwe jaar!!

    Groetjes van Ellebel

  2. merry christmas and happy new year from Lorraine in France! i adore your blog, it'very nice!! see you soon

  3. have a lovely time, merry christmas! Heather x

  4. Merry Christmas to you!!! And a Happy New Year!! xo Holly

  5. Happy Christmas and best wishes for a great New Year. xx

  6. Fijne kerstdagen en de allerbeste wensen voor het nieuwe jaar!! Hannie

  7. Your life is beautiful! thanks for sharing and being an inspiring person in our lives! I hope someday to travel to Norway or Sweden's most beautiful places on earth.
    Hugs! Greetings and Floyd

  8. Merry Christmas! Hope you have a wonderful time with family!

  9. Have a wonderful Christmas, Maaike, and a Happy New Year. Wishing you all kinds of wonderful for 2014! x x x

  10. Veel plezier in Zweden! Een fijne jaarwisseling en een goed Nieuwjaar!

  11. Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing :-)
    ~~~ Happy New Year !!! ~~~

  12. Beautiful pictures. Happy new year to you also!

  13. The top left picture is planted in my heart. Love the sofa arm rest with the crochet project on top. Says it all. Lots of love.


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~