
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

First Week of 2014

hello you! how have you been? did you enjoy the holidays? family time, good food, NYE, quiet time and time to craft?

we celebrated Christmas and NYE with our families, the first time since we moved to Canada 3 years ago and it felt really good. actually when in Canada, the holidays were the times I missed our families the most. so it was really nice to be together again. We enjoyed good food, laughed, played board games until the little hours, walked Floyd in the Swedish woods, slept a lot because of the darkness up there, and I did not crochet. honestly? yes. not on purpose, it just happened. and it was good. both to be away from it for a week, and to be back at it now.

2014. a brand new year. and I can tell you, it is going to be an exciting year for creJJtion and myself. behind the scenes I am working on a new blog design, lots of crochet patterns and many more… I can't wait to share it all with you! in the coming months it will all reveal itself.

for now, some images from the past weeks.

new scissors from Kelmscott Designs and some green Swedish images, can you believe we got no snow?

crochet sleeves were my Christmas gifts for my brother and his girlfriend

new colour scheme for a squares baby blanket

all sorts of greens to start 2014 fresh! a wonderful, healthy and crafty new year to you.



  1. A very happy new year to you, too, dear Maaike! You and your work have been (and continue to be) such an inspiration to me over the last few years and I feel quite bad that in all this time I have never left you a comment. But I guess, today's the day. ;) Thank you so much for this lovely blog, it never fails to brighten my day. :)

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment dear Naomi. I am delighted to read you are inspired by my blog, you sure know how to make me blush! Thank you in return for brightening my day.
      xo Maaike

  2. I think that all of your snow is busy looking for you in Canada right now! Did you forget to send it a change of address form! Glad that you had such a good christmas etc with your family, it is at the holidays that you realise how much you miss them isn't it. Crochet is looking good, I especially like the colours you are using in the new baby blanket you are making. Oh, and those scissors are divine! Happy New Year!! xx

    1. Haha yes you are totally right Amy, snooow, I am here! My goodness, I think we moved just in time to miss out on this extreme winter. I am checking in with my friends over there every day. Thank you for another sweet comment and a very happy new year to you too! xo

  3. Maaike, it sounds like you have the most exciting year ahead. I hope that it is truly a great one for you. It's always such a joy to visit here, and I always leave completely inspired!

    Take care and Happy New Year! xxxxxx

    1. That coming from you is a true honour dear Vanessa! I am Always inspired after reading your blog and looking at your fabulous crochet work. Thank you very much, have a very happy new year too. xo

  4. Happy New Year!!! Such sweet and pretty pictures!! :) Have a lovely week! xo Holly

  5. Een heel gelukkig 2014 toegewenst!! En ik hoop nog veel te kunnen genieten weer van je mooie foto's!

    Groetjes van Ellebel

  6. Wat een ontzettend fijne blogpost met nog fijnere foto's. Ik kijk uit naar je nieuwe ideeën.
    Een ontzettend gelukkig en succesvol jaar!


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~