
Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Today creJJtion is celebrating it's first month existence, hurray! And like I wrote in my first post; the goal of this blog was to be inspired by you all and hopefully give some inspiration back. So you can imagine I was very honoured to hear that one of my friends started crafting again after checking out creJJtion. And, on top of that, she even started her own blog last week: what is more honouring than that?! So therefore I prouldy present: Wija's blog inner-sparkle. She is very creative with different kinds of materials, and into giving items a new purpose. So Wija, good luck with your blog and thank you for sharing your inner-sparkles with us!


  1. Thanks for the link...I'll go for a visit.

  2. Hoi Maaik, bedankt voor je mooie ode aan mn blog, het heeft me al een volger opgeleverd;) die vogeltjes waren echt superlief zeg!! Morgen ga ik taarten versieren met marsepein met mijn collega's, mn fototoestel ligt al klaar om een mooie foto van onze creaties op mn blog te zetten! Truste!x


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~