
Monday, September 27, 2010


It is official now, fall has really kicked in today with lots of rain and cold in Amsterdam. This sounds sad, but... also chears up: time for pumpkin soup again! Whohoo. Let me share my favorite recipe with you, originally from my mom, who is one of the best home-cooks. Let me know if you enjoyed it as much as we do!

(Serves 4)
1.5 kg fresh pumpkin, carved and chopped
2 onions, chopped
2 apples (Jonagold) chopped, no peal
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 l chicken bouillon
1 dl cream

Put butter in large pot and heat. Add onion and stir and bake for 3 min, then add pumpkin, apples and brown sugar, stir for 5 min. Add some nutmeg, cinnamon and the bouillon, bring to boil and simmer for 20 min. Then blend.

Add pepper, salt, nutmeg and cinnamon to the cream, mix it and use as ‘toppingwhen serving.

What goes well with it: some fresh baked bread, with a homemade butter-garlic-salt-pepper-spread on it.... yummie


  1. Jammmm....daar krijg ik nu hartstikke zin in! Maar voor eten is 't nu wat laat én ik heb geen pompoenen in huis ;)
    Dit recept ga ik bewaren! Dankjewel...

    Groetjes, Veronique

  2. fantastic!

    love your blog, it's so clean and bright and cute!


  3. Sounds great - know what we'll have for lunch tomorrow! Thanks for sharing. Carina x

  4. mmm sounds and looks yummie!
    take care, warm hug lotten

  5. Hee Lieffie! Even een berichtje in het nl! Wat leuk dat je je pompoensoeprecept hebt gepost, ik ga het zeker maken! Maakte het tot nu toe altijd met zo'n receptenkaart van de Albert Heijn, maar deze is vast veeel lekkerder :P Truste! X Wij P.S. Heb fotootjes van mijn 1e knutselproject op mn blog gezet:)

  6. Maaike, I also make my pumpkin soup with apples! For some reason in Belgium the eyebrows always go up when I say this ... but I really don't like the taste of carrots in my pumpkin soup. However I've never tried adding sugar and cinnamon ... I season with lots of pepper and sage. Will have to try this!

  7. I hope you did use onions instead of unions ;-)
    A nice recipe though: I'll certainly try it.

  8. Thanks Wim, I changed that immediately ;-)

  9. Wow, that looks delicious! I love pumpkin cookies, bread, pie, so why not soup? Can't wait to try it! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Leest als erg lekker! Mijn Engels is niet zo heel goed maar ik denk dat ik een heel eind ga komen, alleen nutmeg, is dat nootmuskaat?


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~