
Friday, October 15, 2010


Some of you may now her: Annemarie. From Annemarie's knittingblog. I will never forget her as my first 'foreign' follower. She is absolutely great in crocheting and knitting and creates the most wonderful things with an extremely high, jealous making production rate. One feature on her blog where she is quickly becoming famous for, is link your stuff: every Friday/ Saturday she invites you to add a link to your own creation - of any kind - on her blog. It is very easy. So every week I am looking forward to Sunday: big cup of tea, together with all the links to the most beautiful creations made by all of you. Simply love it!



  1. Eindelijk weer eens een leuke Nederlandse blog gevonden; ik blijf je volgen!

  2. Hi Maaike! I came to visit your blog because you posted on my Link Party again and I was so happily surprised to find this sweet post on your blog about mine. Thanks so much! I really appreciate it! You make really lovely things yourself, so I am totally flattered to read your post. Have a great weekend!

  3. En via Annemarie's link your stuff pagina kom ik dan ook bij jou terecht. Leuke wereld, dat bloggen. Je hebt er een mooie blog van gemaakt, lekker helder en mooie foto's. Je hebt er een volger bij hoor.
    groetjes van siel

  4. thanks alot for your visit at my blog :)

  5. Hi Maaike, pleased to meet you! your blog is lovely!! :))


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~