
Thursday, October 14, 2010


When it comes to picture arranging, matching colours and breathtaking combinations: FRYD is where I go. If you ask me, Jeanette masters all three and shows it on her blog. Just go and see for yourself. Besides that, she is launching digital magazines: after 1 by FRYD now number 2 came out. Truly eye candy!
Keep up the good work Jeanette, I can't wait untill 3 comes out: full of Christmas and DIY...


  1. Ohh echt geweldig, hoe zou je aan zo'n magazine kunnen komen? Zal wel omslachtig zijn denk ik, maar ach...zo is 't ook al geweldig om naar te kijken!

    Veel groetjes, Veronique

  2. ja joh...inderdaad echt eye-candy, zo zacht en lieflijk....prachtig gewoon!

    Fijne avond he!...ik ga pitten :)

    Groetjes, Veronique

  3. Bedankt voor de goede tip!!! :)

  4. Hello, I found your lovely blogg today. You make the most beautiful things. I will visit your blogg again for sure. You are welcome to visit my blogg also;) Have a nice day in Amsterdam. From Wilhelmines blogg in Norway.


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~