
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Details in red

We are having a great weekend with some shopping, very good food and a lovely hotel.
The winter weather these days is so bright, cold and clear ~ love it ~
I am very busy with Sinterklaas presents at the moment... two more weeks until the reveal!

Here are some details of the items I foud recently:
top of a vintage tin, an old oval iron potholder, Emma B. wrapping paper, a deer-coathook and some hearts.
Enjoy your Sundaynight!


  1. Thanks so much for this. I own an iron potholder and wondered what it was originally. I just looked at mine and it is the very same design! You have inspired me to give mine a new coat of paint and I will start using it once more. I love items that stand the test of time! I'll post it when it is done.

  2. Zo apart jouw foto's he...ik vraag me eerlijk waar echt vaak af wat er precies in jouw hoofd omgaat qua ideeën én...hoe je huis eruit kleuren enzo

    Ik zie jou echt als een hele creatieve persoonlijkheid!

    Liefs, Veronique

  3. Buonasera Maaike...mi piace molto il tuo blog, io colleziono anche vecchi bottoni e qui ne ho visti di molto belli!
    Un abbraccio e buon lavoro, *Maristella*.

  4. How lovely!!! I don't know why I didn't come before...but i guess I' here to stay and follow you! Your works are stunning!

  5. Hi Maaike!
    Wat ontzettend leuk dat je me gevonden hebt! En yeh! een mede-amsterdammer! (heb je desiree al ontmoet, vosges paris? Zij komt ook uit asd). Alhoewel ik ben nu alweer 3 jaar en 3 maanden hier, dus ik ben blij met dit hele blog gebeuren, steeds weer andere mensen en internationaal, past goed bij ons leven!
    Ik ben je nieuwste volgster geworden, erg leuke foto's gezien, dus ik ga morgen verder lezen.
    Groetjes en tot snel,

  6. Thanks for popping by my blog. I love yours too! Will have a little tiptoe through over the next few days.

  7. Nice details!!

    Wish you a happy week :o)


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~