
Friday, November 19, 2010


I still can't believe it: my first entrance to a give-away
and I was among the winners!

Thank you so much Princess Threeways
and Ingrid from Ingthings

May be when I reach 100 followers
although it seems to be cliché
I might organise a give away myself...

 a wonderful package, a great book and lots and lots of buttons, ribbons, yarn and 2 origami folded birds!

 some of my favorite buttons ~ although hard to select ~ and an example of how to embroider drawings

more lovely bottons and ribbons, pearl buttons ~ pearls are among my favorites! ~ and these great reds

I am so lucky ~ smile ~ .....


  1. Ik dank jou! voor je aardige woorden en mooie foto's. Zo ziet het er wel heel gezellig uit!

  2. I know just how you feel...recently I won my first entered drawing and won. Congratulations to you....Isn't it fun! I don't think I will ever reach 100 followers, but like you if so I will have a drawing...I will watch for yours!

  3. wat een prachtige collage met allemaal van die schatten lijkt wel een prachtig rovershol, groetjes Irma en een heerlijk weekend

  4. Hello Maaike!
    Wow, your photography skills are amazing! I am in love with your pictures especially of the buttons!
    Your blog is beautiful, nice to find and come for an inspiring visit!

  5. Wat een mooie en leuke spulletjes heb je gewonnen Maaike. Heerlijk al die knopen, kan je nooit genoeg van hebben, toch?
    Fijn weekend,
    liefs Ester

  6. Lucky you! Congratulations :)
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  7. yes I am in Paris and I also love your blog

  8. that book looks so cute... is it vintage!?

    lucky you!

  9. Inderdaad lucky you :)
    Geniet er van en maak er iets mooi's van zou ik zeggen.
    Fijne zondag
    Groetjes Michaja

  10. Lucky lucky you! What a great surprise! Enjoy all your ribbons, buttons, threads and other bits and pieces. By the way, got some porcelain pens. I will get to work with them any day now, trying it on some old cups I have from IKEA. Exciting.

  11. Oh lucky you, such a great price!
    And I love your blog as well, I'll be back :)


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~