
Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter~treat Winner

this was the warmest Easter since 1901
can you believe that?

it feels like we skipped Spring and jumped from Winter to Summer
no complaining here though
~ smile ~

perfect weather to start joining these little pretties

but the question was: how many are there?
you seemed to enjoy the game and guessed from 75 to 215

the actual number was 134
so I had to make 3 more to get to 137, a number of hexagons that will make a square blanket

Jolanda from Meuk is Leuk came very close with her 133 guess
so that makes Jolanda the winner of the Easter~treat!

send me your address Jolanda and I will mail you a treat

~ Happy Easternight and a lovely week to you all ~

by the way: I recovered from my cold fever and started updating my pages with explanations how-to
I wonder what you think of the explanations I wrote over at my new page 'finished crochet projects'


  1. Congratulations Jolanda !!
    Love the white/cream single crochet joining you are using Maaike effective :0)
    Jacquie x

  2. Wauw, Maaike! Dat wordt een heel mooi dekentje. Erg leuk, zo met dat witte randje ertussen. Ik krijg zin om er ook aan te beginnen.
    Fijne avond.

  3. nou die zat er dichtbij! Hé beterschap hoor, hoop dat je snel opknapt!

  4. That blankie is going to be so lovely!!! xxx

  5. Oh, you are putting them together nicely! Very curious how you're gonna make a square out of hexagons ;-)

  6. Hi Maaike,
    Thanks for your help with posting a comment.

  7. Gemist! Maar Jolanda van harte gefeliciteerd!

  8. Congrats to Jolanda! That was very difficult to estimate!
    Beautiful blanket Maaike!

  9. Ik veerde al op van mijn stoel...Jolanda!!! Maar natuurlijk helemaal leuk voor mijn naamgenoot:) Jolanda gefeliciteerd!

  10. I missed it! Dam it! And I was going to guess on 137 yesterday and got distracted by life. Happy Jolanda. Well done. This just tells me that I need to become more of a do:er than a thinker...

    PS Taking it slow with the hook. Arm is pretty sensitive. But I am being careful. Promis. Thanks for caring. :D

  11. so happy you had a nice easter, maaike. beautiful crocheting!


  12. Happy easter to you to! lovely work you have done:) I also think that its summer and not spring but - i like!! Hug!


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~