
Saturday, April 23, 2011


for today I had a different post in draft
until last night, when I took a good look at my pile of hexagons

a few more and I can go and start joining them

but before joining I like to know how many of them there are
that will allow me to decide what shape to give the blanket

and then the following idea came to my mind

let's play that old game together
you know, where you see a bucket full of gumballs, coins or other items
and try to guess how many there are exactly ~ in return for a little treat

wanna play?

anyone can join
let me know in a comment to this post
how many hexagons you think there are in this large vase
and I will send a little treat to the winner ~ the right guess or the closest number

to give you a little more clues:
- all colors I used are represented on the left
- every color represents one ball of yarn, except for the white ones, of that color I used three yarnballs
- because the size of the vase is hard for you to estimate, I put my high heel boots next to it
- and on top of that I put the hexagons in a row, the look of it reminds me of the very hungry caterpillar

try your Easter-treat-luck!
winner will be announced at the end of Easter Monday, Dutch time

~ wishing you all a very happy, peaceful and sunny Easter ~


  1. What fun! My guess is 75. I love your hexagons and the colours you have used are so pretty. Have a lovely Easter weekend. :)

  2. Ben dol op spelletjes! Ik denk dat het er 125 zijn! Fijn weekend! Suus

  3. Leuk zo een ´prijsvraag´. Ik gok op 86
    Fijne paasdagen!

  4. 154? Je bent in ieder geval goed bezig geweest hihi

  5. 107 is my number, that's for the game.

  6. I play in my turn! I guess there are 121 hexagons! ????
    Have a nice Easter!

  7. Aaaah wat leuk! Ik denk dat het er 120 zijn. Mooie foto's! Ik word er helemaal blij van.

    Fijne paasdagen!
    Groetjes, Annemarie

  8. What a fun game! I am guessing 110. Happy Easter.. Rachaelxx

  9. Buongiorno Maaike.
    Io ti auguro Happy Easter e buon lavoro, Un caro saluto, *Maristella*.

  10. Hee Maaik!

    Leuk idee! Ik denk dat het er 82 zijn :)

    Fijn paasweekend!
    Liefs Wij

  11. Heerlijk, jeugdsentiment van actiemarkten :-)
    Ik gok op 133.

    Fijne Pasen, liefs Jolanda.

  12. Hi Maaike , my guess would be 111 :0)
    Great fun idea . Happy Easter.
    Jacquie x

  13. Leuk ik heb ze geteld:)als je er niet 1 dubbel tussen hebt gedrukt, of ik een leesbril nodig hebt zijn het er 127!

    Fijne Pasen!

  14. Well that is a big pile! I think there are 145 hexagons.
    Have a happy Easter.
    Carol xx

  15. Uf, difficult, difficult... I say 108 hexagons.

    I love the rainbow distribution of your hexagons in the left photo. Beautiful!

  16. I'll guess 183! Love those little hexies. This will make a beautiful afthan.

    Peggy H.

  17. I love your hexagons - I'm guessing 152 in the vase. Have fun joining them!

  18. Love your colors and I am guessing 196...... seems like a whole though. :)

  19. Hoi Maaike,

    Wat ben je enorm aan het haken geweest! Ik ben iedere keer weer verbaast waar jij de tijd vandaan haalt.

    Ik wens jou en je familie hele gezellige paasdagen! Geniet ervan!

    Lieve groetjes van Madelief x

  20. I'd guess 108...
    Happy Easter :)

  21. I bet around 200!!! Happy Easter, love your blog:-)

  22. Pfff! Je zal er toch wel een berg nodig hebben voor een deken. 100, da's mn gok.
    Fijne Paasdagen!

  23. WOW!!! you are like a machine! that is so many hexagons :) I am really excited to see what the finished product looks like. i am staying tuned!

  24. Ik gok op 101! Wat een werk zeg...

  25. I think it's 123! Happy easter! x

  26. My original nunber was taken, so I'll say 114.
    Happy Easter!

  27. How about 122, I love all the colours the blanket will look so pretty, happy easter!!

  28. Joehoe! Je hebt precies 400 followers! Gefliciteerd lieffie!

    Vrolijk pasen:)

    xxx Wija

  29. Hello Maaike,
    you have a really nice blog and I like to follow it for quite a while now. g
    Great idea with the hexagons and the giveaway! I think there are 129 of them in your vase.
    Happy Easter to you!

  30. I've just discovered your blog and am hoping for beginers luck, I think there are 80 of the little lovelies in the jar.
    lily x

  31. What an amusing game, I would say 180 hexagons.
    Pretty pictures, by the way.

  32. hope you had a great easter!
    this is fun! i'd say 113.


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~