
Friday, December 14, 2012

Embroidery @ Pinterest

1. 2. 3. 4.

1. 2. 3. 4.

sharing some of my most recent pins with you this week from Pinterest.
I just can't get over the pretty embroidery projects from Tatiana. look at those different and all very pretty hearts she made. cross stitch, embroidery and sewing, Tatiana does it all. and to my eyes each and every thing she makes is looking absolutely perfect. hop over to her beautiful blog to find more of her makes.

the top left image is from Belle & Boo, called 'Elle & The Snow Dove', so delicate and pretty. 
and the lovely knitted Christmas ornaments are by the Scandinavian duo Arne & Carlos and the patterns can be found in their book, that is still on my bucket list. they also have a facebook page.

happy linking, pinning and stitching!


  1. Heerlijk ... Pinterest! Ik kan er ook zo van genieten. Je kan er van alles vinden ... Behalve tijd! :-)
    Alvast een weekend!

  2. I only just discovered Tatiana's blog myself, last night! Isn't her work absolutely stunning? I've just been spending a few hours browsing through her things and I'm in love :)

    Now to look at the other blogs you mention too...

    (Hope you're well!)

    S x


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~