
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Gift Wrapping

the new Wednesday series : gift wrapping

just in time for Christmas, I am sharing some gift wrapping ideas with you. I would like to start talking about the basics: wrapping paper and decorations or embellishments as you might call them.
wrapping paper comes in all sorts, sizes and prices. what I recommend is to get the paper, ribbons, tapes, gift tags all in once, to make sure it all matches and prevent worries about that later on.

I always try to get the most basic paper, that can be used for other occasions later on in the year as well, and I combine it with a few beautiful wrapping sheets from a paper store. just like with clothing, I love layering.
for example, in the pictures you see kraft paper that I used as a background for a paper that I specifically love, with the little elf's on a row. by cutting out the elf's instead of wrapping the whole present in it, I manage to do two things in one: make the elf's stand out, and save more of that pretty but also expensive paper sheet.
you also see that I stamped a sheet of the kraft paper with snowflakes and stars. I created my own unique paper.

the other thing I like to do with wrapping paper is to reverse it. take a good look at the red and white wrapped gifts. you will notice that it is not a white and a polka dot paper separately but it actually is the same paper, from ikea. all coordinated, and so simple. now that is what I like, haha.

talking about embellishing and decorating your gifts. washi tape is such a great thing. take this bow tape for example. by cutting the tape in between the bows, you can use them as pretend to be real bows. the wooden moose and stars are from walmart and come in a little bag of 6 or 8 for only $1. they can be used as decorations for your gifts, but you could also use them as gift tags if you like.

gift tags. we will talk about them next week. anything else you'd like to discuss when it comes to wrapping?


  1. so darling...I have to start doing this too...but first I need to get my shopping done..hope you are well my friend.

  2. Prachtig.
    Te mooi om uit te pakken.
    lieve groetjes,

  3. I love your ideas! Where did you find the plain brown wrapping paper?


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~