Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Last Week

a little late but nevertheless, pictures from last week. clearly I was on a roll with my iPhone camera, still experimenting a lot with VSCOcam and Instagram. a little story with the pictures from top to bottom: 

photo edits I did to pictures my mom and sister in law send me from Europe. in a visual family like ours, the camera's on our phones are always working to update each other about our lives. 
I got the pleasure of seeing a work in progress from a dear lady who gets Catania yarn through me, she is working on a king size blanket and I love to see her progress. the colors work together so lovely and it is wonderful to hear she and her daughters work on it together. 

the weather got really hot and sunny this week, we all enjoy it. I played with colors of yarn, tape and thread. and unfortunately Floyd played with my yarn and a piece of pretty paper too... not so much to my liking I must say. although he apparently has good taste and picked some nice colors to play with.


  1. Inspiring photos and colours as always, Maaike. I have to ask - do you run marathons in between taking photos, because it looks like you eat desserts all day long and somehow you are just a wisp of a girl! I always leave your blog hungry (whether for sweets or yarn!) x x

  2. Stroopwafels, lekker! Het jy 'n paar pakkies in die tas teruggeneem?

  3. What a lovely series of photos. That brown Labrador pup of yours is growing up too!


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~