Monday, July 15, 2013

Crochet Fun in the Sun

Summer has really hit Canada, or at least the Toronto area where we are. including thunder storms and heavy rain fall we could have done without. oh the power of nature... some of our friends were out of power for hours, some for days, but everyone was safe and that's what matters. 

in our backyard I have been crocheting and weaving in ends for the cushion cover in the making. I have just enough yarn left over to crochet a matching back. I was looking for a tight and little bit exciting stitch, definitely looking for something new to me. I found the Catherine Wheel stitch in the pretty book Simply Crocheting by Erika Knight. and it is such a fun stitch to work with! I love it, too bad it's only a small cushion. I might have to find a new project for this stitch.
there was also a lovely bbq in our backyard with some friends that brought pretty flowers from their yard, and granny-me started another doily.

the camera strap is handmade by Amanda who I 'met' through Instagram a while ago. isn't it pretty? you can find a few more straps here and this is her lovely blog. she also hosts the most pretty and fun craft workshops for the happy few who live in her neighbourhood... 
the strap sale benefits a family in need, so go quick and get one of the last unique straps for more fun with picture shooting!


  1. Wat een prachtig verloop van tinten blauw in je nieuwe kussen - past perfect bij het patroontje. Grappig dat het doily-virus heeft toegeslagen; en het is een hardnekkig virus weet ik uit ervaring. ;-)
    Fijne dag nog! Haafner

  2. wonderful pictures,but which one ist your cushion? The one with white, pink and blue or the blue and white one covering the book? Now I really have to start following you so I won't miss a post.
    xoxo Karin


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~