
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Pattern Wedding Basket

some of you who have been reading my blog for a while now

may remember that it is only a year ago, that I was in full swing preparing our wedding

if you missed it, click the 'wedding' label on the bottom of this page and you'll see details of our beautiful day


exactly one year later, I am definitely daydreaming a lot

thinking what a wonderful time we had a year ago

creating the beautiful wedding day ~ exactly how we loved it

with our dearest family and friends around us

I crocheted a little thank you heart for each of our guests

a heart blanket for us to treasure

and a wedding ring basket for our sweetest little niece who gave the rings to us during the ceremony

the pattern for the little hearts was already available here

and today I present to you with love :

the pattern for the basket here, in the creJJtion Etsy shop

I guess I am in a basket kind of mood this week


now if you'll excuse me, I am off, back to my daydream ...

~ official wedding pictures by Yasmijn Tan ~


  1. those pictures are so nice :))
    looks like you had an amazing wedding ( congrats to that :) )
    its so nice to dream of beautiful things from the past !!
    have a nice evening, svenja

  2. Que lindo.
    Muitas felicidades.

  3. Wat een schattig mandje! Ik weet nog goed dat ik, waarschijnlijk al zo'n 20 jaar terug, onder toezicht van mijn oma ook twee witte onderzettertjes heb gehaakt. Wat was ik daar toen trots op. Door het zien van deze foto's krijg ik sterk de neiging om te gaan kijken of ik het nog kan. Prachtige foto's en zo'n opgewekt blog - erg fijn om te lezen!
    Liefs van Maaike ~ Calgary

  4. So lovely Maaike. I am coming up to my 20 year anniversary. I sewed up silk bags for my wedding party and for me but I am quite sure that the girls never kept their bags. I kept mine but really, it didn't stand the test of time. This is a classic. Something to treasure for years to come. Your flower girl is precious. Happy Anniversary!

  5. What beautiful, beautiful photos!!!
    And what a lovely idea it was to give each of your guests something you'd made yourself. That's so sweet!
    Happy anniversary to you and your husband!


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~