Monday, December 20, 2010


when I was a little girl
my grandparents lived at a barn
my brother and I shared a very cosy bedroom
in the corner, at the end of my bed stood a tall cabinet

my grandparents unfortunately passed away a few years ago
but the cabinet was safe at my parent's attic
I was ready for a new item in our interior and asked for the cabinet

and there it is in our livingroom!
still pretty, brings back good memories, and turned out to be little and cute

~ or was it me who grew up? ~

today, all christmas decorated, it looks like this

oh and don't foget to check out the give-away and treecollection below

I will be posting more christmas oriented pictures this week, wishing you all a happy week-before-christmas!


  1. I remember visiting a house where I had previously lived and couldn't believe how small the yard was - to me it had seemed huge! Just like your chest of drawers (which is lovely by the way).

    Happy decorating!

  2. Lovely! It's nice to be able to reignite those memories. x

  3. Wat heerlijk nostalgisch. De spulletjes van vroeger lijken vaak iets magisch te hebben en ook een hoog feel-good-gehalte. Des te beter als je daar vandaag de dag op ieder moment van kunt genieten.

  4. So beautiful....lucky you!!

  5. Memories are magic!!!

  6. Wat een mooie herinnering aan je opa en oma!


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~