Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cupcake Love

today was a day of celebration

the husband and I passed the Canadian driver's license test

we are now free as birds again

and what goes better with celebrations than cupcakes?

so we drove to Cupid's Cupcakes

I mentioned them before in this post

and treated ourselves with princess, red velvet, carrot cake and chocolate mint

~ mmmm... ~

and I hear you thinking

very nice Maaike, but I don't live within driving distance to Cupid's

so what is in it for me?

I thought about that

and decided to treat you with a cupcake recipe

the easy recipe of the cute and delicious cupcakes I made this weekend, to be seen in this post

you can find it below here

so... let me know what you think!

~ happy cupcake baking ~

Mini Lemon Coconut Cupcakes

(for about 24 mini's)
100 gr butter
1 lemon
2 eggs
120 gr sugar
120 gr flour
50 gr grated unsweetened coconut
2 teaspoons baking powder
pinch of salt

for the frosting
150 gr icing sugar
2 table spoons hot water
2-3 table spoons fresh lemon juice

Start with the frosting: mix the icing sugar together with the water and lemon juice for about 10 minutes for a white and shiny finish.

Preheat the oven to 180C. Put the mini cupcake liners in the mold. Melt the butter in the microwave, do it carefully so it does not overheat. Wash the lemon, peel it and press the lemon. Mix the eggs with the sugar until fluffy. Add the flour, melted butter, lemon zest and juice, salt and coconut. At last add the baking powder.

Fill the mini cupcake liners with the mixture and put them in the preheated oven for about 15-20 minutes, depending on your oven.

When the cakes are ready, take them out of the oven and let them cool for a moment. Add the icing when they are still a little warm.



  1. HELLO!
    your Blog is ADORABLE! loved the colors AND WORK! CONGRATULATIONS!

  2. What beautiful pictures. Your blog is amazing. Thank you for the cupcake recipe, always happy to try a new one!

  3. OOh dit ziet er heerlijk uit! wat een kunstwerkjes zeg!
    fijne dag

  4. Congratulations! Your Cupcakes look delicious. Have a nice day and enjoy your new freedom!

  5. Mmmmmm, lekker!!! Komt goed van pas je recept want dit weekend vieren we de verjaardag van onze dochters!! Kunnen heel veel mensen genieten van je recept. Bedankt!! knufzz...peebee

  6. Maaike, you are making my mouth water they look delicious, trying to avoid all sweet things at the moment!! Congratulations on passing the driving test you will be able to discover lots more places now.

  7. Grazie per le ricette adoro i cupcakes!!! Anto

  8. Hi Maaike, congrats to you and your husband! The cupcakes look really pretty on your lovely china. Have a lovely weekend, love Linda x

  9. Hi Maaike!
    Tjemig wat is je blog leuk geworden! Ik let even niet op en alles is zo profi, mooie header, andere manier met eindigen van je posts (toch?), anyhoo, ik vind het echt leuk! de foto's zijn trouwens ook super scherp op mijn scherm, ik zie dat we allebei Pip bekers hebben, beetje hollands, altijd goed. Nou ik ga naar mijn bedje, spreek je snel weer!
    (oja, ik heb maandag een linky party, als je zin hebt), hgus! Maureen x

  10. Cupcakes and pretty china - A very happy combination.


  11. Gefeliciteerd :)! Owww en wat ziet dit er heerlijk uit, en zo leuk al het porselein! Love it :)! Fijn weekend!


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~