Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Anfisa by Elena

once in a while

you meet a new crochet friend

that makes you go wooooooow!

let me introduce you to Anfisa

my new friend ~ created by Elena

Elena authors the pretty blog it's pretty light and she hosts this beautiful Etsy shop 

and ooshki where you can find Anfisa's pretty, one of a kind, sisters and friends

and last but not least ~ I was lucky to meet Elena and she is one lovely lady

Anfisa has been in our home for a few days now

and she already feels at home here

she helps me picking yarn colors for my next project

she likes to hang out with my blankets

and loves to play hide and seek

isn't she beautiful?


thank you again Elena


  1. Oh my goodness..she is adorable! I so love happy discoveries...off to discover this new blog. Happy mid week my friend.

  2. Ma e' bellissima!!! L'hai fatta tu??? Anto

  3. Beautiful!! I just love her floaty skirt.

    Fleur xx

  4. Aww thanks Maaike! You are so sweet!

  5. she is beautiful...I am off to check the etsy shop as we speak. i am pretty excited about it

  6. Wat een ontzettend lief diertje! Ik kan mij voorstellen dat je er op bent gevallen Maaike!

    Een gezellige dag,

    Madelief x

  7. Aaaah! She IS very beautiful indeed! I LOVE her pink dress - I'd like one just like that!!! :-)


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~