Monday, February 24, 2014

Last Week

while I am working on a new design for my PDF crochet patterns and try to picture as well as describe every crochet step as accurate as possible, I am a little absent here. sorry about that. I hope it will all be worth it in the end. 

how are you? is Spring peeking around the Winter corner where you are? here in The Netherlands she sure is and I am enjoying it. more light, a little warmer, singing birds everywhere… lovely.

on the crochet level, I have once again way too many projects on the go. sometimes I don't know what to crochet or I am not in the mood for it for weeks. other times I just can't seem to stop and my mind is racing to work on new ideas and patterns. oh well, never a dull moment haha. In the pictures, I am teasing you with the back of the pincushion I made, the yarn for a blanket crochet kit shipment, some squares I made a couple of months ago and yesterday they turned into coasters I will show you later. and there are still a few of my birthday flowers left, they have lasted over two weeks!

last but not least, on Saturday I was lucky to be able to join a sewing class organized by Textielstad and the Dutch publisher Tirion Creatief. the new book Naaien en Stikken came out, which is the translation of the English book The Great British Sewing Bee. it is packed with beautiful sewing patterns and on Saturday 15 excited ladies got to try out one of the patterns. more about that soon…

have a lovely week!


  1. Like the colour combo you have going, upper right corner!
    Hopefully waiting for autumn, every now and then I imagine the temperatures cooling down...but not quite yet.

  2. Oh en vandaag wordt helemaal al een beetje een lentedag! Heerlijk he?! Ik kan ook zo genieten van al die vogeltjes! Ben benieuwd naar je tutorial en ondertussen genieten we heerlijk van je mooie foto's hoor!

    Groetjes van Ellebel

  3. oh oh wat een mooie foto's en dat speldenkussentje wauw!
    hier ook van alles waar ik aan begonnen ben en dat niet afgeraakt :-)

  4. Oh so many lovely colours ! Its funny how we all have lots of projects all going on at the same time isn't it ? But on the reverse of that I have finished everything that I had on the go and now I feel quite lost !! The blanket that I finished this weekend has been on the hook since June.
    Have a good week and enjoy the sunshine,

  5. Great photos! I love your crochet work. I can relate when it comes to having so many projects & ideas.
    I really enjoy your lovely blog.

  6. Ik geniet weer van je mooie foto's!
    Ben ook wel heel benieuwd wat je afgelopen zaterdag hebt gemaakt. Het boek lijkt me leuk!

  7. Wauw, wat een prachtige dingen haak je! En mooie, zachte foto's. Blij dat ik je via de workshop een beetje heb leren kennen - al is het dan voornamelijk achteraf!

  8. Like I say, "Life is one big WIP!" So many pretty colours and lovely projects, enjoy your creative week! Chrissie x

  9. Prachtige foto's weer! Mooie kleuren garen rechts boven in :)

  10. So many lovely things! You are doing very well to keep track of them all, I have to restrict myself as otherwise things wouldn't get finished and I would get lost as to where I was with what! xx

  11. Mooie foto´s.. Lekker lente-achtig!!
    Groetjes Lies van Theemuts


~ sweet thank you for your lovely words ~